Hi, Programming is always good to know as it teaches you logical thinking and gives you some understanding on how things work. Language to learn is the difficult one. I would suggest C to learn low level programming and Python to learn script objective programming. Perl is another good language to learn. There are lot of other languages to learn. In relation getting hand on equipment. eBay and other second hand like sites for networking equipment is one way. Could cost a bit of money. But if you buy it over a period of time then you can eventually build a good lab. Setting up a machine which can run linux. Within the Linux environment set up some virtual machines. Buy a network card that has several network ports on it and make sure it is supported on Linux. Then you can simulate a network. This is low level networking but you will learn a lot of other skills. Sean
On 8 Sep 2016, at 1:38 AM, Hadi Rezaei <hadirezaei@gmx.com> wrote:
Thanks Sean and Scott, Amazing information; the info about the network stack is what I needed the most; It gave me a glimpse of what I'll be diving into in the future, thank you Sean for that amazing summery
Your replies raised some more questions for me, I'd like to know if It's essential for me to learn a programming language such as bash scripting, python or javascript in the future? I do not know any programming languages, that's why I'm a little concerned. I've worked with a linux terminal before, but I've never done scripting.
I see that you guys both recommend me to do self study on networking basics. Do you think that I'd get any advantages of participating in a networking school since i've graduated and have lots of free time on my hand? or You think that still It'd be a waste of time.
One more question about Venders, I'm assuming that all of them follow and share the same basics so I'd have a bit of time deciding on which types of gear I will be mostly working on, any more comments regarding this? I've read scott's info on juniper, I'll go do more research on this!
I'm guessing that each brand uses their own operating system, but most of them should be linux based right? although Microsoft/Cisco and companies like those must have Proprietary software.
Once again, thank you for all the helpful comments, I'm doing lots of research on the internet, talking to people in this field, and you guys so far have provided the most useful info.
On 9/7/2016 7:21 PM, John G Heim wrote:
I was just thinking about how almost every day I still use the knowledge I gained from my first home networking lab project. I bought a used computer for like $20, put Red Hat linux on it, and built a router out of it. Now I am managing the research servers for the Math Department at the University of Wisconsin. The head node of a beowulf cluster is essentially a linux router. I literally still use a modified version of the iptables script I wrote way back then on the head node of our beowulf cluster.
I'm old now but I still have a lab in my basement. I have a 2-node beowulf cluster. It has a total of only 8 cpus but I can run parallelized code on it like a real super computer. If a researcher asks me a question I don't know the answer to, I can figure it out over night.
When people come visit my lab, I tell them it's the 8 millionth fastest super computer in the world. Come to think of it,that is probably a gross exaggeration these days. Maybe I should start saying 80 millionth.
On 09/07/2016 07:31 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
Excellent points Sean.
I totally agree with your liking the physical lab. Especially for someone new it’s critical you get an idea of how things physically connect together. Actually hook up some fiber, learn about flipping pairs and different cable types, same with the copper side.
It is also true especially as you become more senior in the work force you’ll touch equipment less and less yourself. I generally manage installs from HQ and have datacenter techs or Jr engineers actually on site pulling cable and racking hardware but I did my share of that especially when I owned my own ISP and businesses.
I have found the OSI model less useful in my experience but that’s ok, there’s a lot of ways to express the same thing and that’s as good a standard as any.
I’m also thinking you should install an OS you can really deep dive in to. Maybe a Linux variant so you can familiarize yourself with networking concepts on the systems level. This will make you a more valuable employee if you can get solid on the host network stack as well.
Either way, best of luck to you. DO keep the questions coming.
On Sep 7, 2016, at 1:19 AM, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964@gmail.com> wrote:
My suggestion is to start doing self education. There is a book called TCP/Ip guide (from memory) that goes into a lot of detail and is free on the net. A a CNNA (basic level admin cert) the diagrams are not that complex. The most important thing to understand is what a router, switch and end-device does with the packet of data.
In networking there is two models used to explain how the data stream is broken up. A data stream is the sending of a web page or file. OSI uses 7 layers and TCP/IP uses 4. I have used the OSI model below to explain some concepts, but not in full. Also these models are call the network stack.
Layer 7 - application - This is where an application accesses the stack such as your browser. Layer 6 - Is the concern of presentation - How the data is formatted such as HTML, MMIME, etc. Layer 5 - is concern with session - Manages the creation and removal the session between two devices. RPC is one protocol that is associated with this level. layer 4 - Transport - This layer breaks the data stream up into manageable chunks of data called segments. Layer3 - Network - Your router and routing protocols work at this level. The routing protocol is like a postman telling where the traffic should go. Layer 2 - data - link - manages communication between directly connected devices. Such as Ethernet and Wireless. Layer 1 - Physical - This is concern with the bits and bytes being sent across the transmission equipment such as cat5, coax, wireless transmission, fibre, etc.
My explanations are summaries and just to give you an idea of the type of information you need to learn at a admin level. There is far more details. If you have access to online book services like Safari Orally or BookShare. Then I would look for CCNA study guides. They will teach you the basics.
In relation to lab. There is solutions for virtual environments for to simulate Cisco equipment. Dynamips is one option. The challenge is to get the IOS images that will work in that environment. Other solutions available require a large chunk of memory. Search for this on the net and you will find solutions.
The reason why I support a physical lab is you get a feel what a router or switch looks like, you can insert and replace network cards, etc. The virtual environment is heavily used as it is cheaper and most engineers don’t deal with the physical network equipment. There are people who do this for them. This is especially common in large companies.
On 8 Sep 2016, at 1:57 AM, Hadi Rezaei <hadirezaei@gmx.com> wrote:
Hi guys
Thank you a lot for the helpful info, I really do appreciate this.
So from my understanding, First I need to attend an online or / local school and start learning, then have a network lab to do tests on, and then go for an exam if I wanted to aquire a certificate.
Do you think that It's a good idea that I start doing self studies? or Diagrams and the visual design aspect of the networking will get in my way and I get confused.
I'm very new to this; I have no basic knowledge at all, Do you think that I should even start studying Cisco courses right away?
On 9/6/2016 7:38 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
I don’t know about the Cisco side where things are but on the Juniper side you can run VSRX or a virtual instances under something like fusion or workstation so you can have a virtualized environment for your lab. I put the VSRX in to packet mode and they start behaving just like routers so you can have firewalls / routers and even switches in your topology running all virtualized code.
Might be a cheaper way of building your test lab. Cisco used to have emulator software available but I believe there were copyright concerns that may have shelved that effort, not sure the current state there as I am focused on Juniper products more so than Cisco.
The other thing I’ll say is both Cisco and Juniper are very supportive of disabled engineers at least that’s been my experience not the least of which they will hire them. You might contact Cisco directly and they can also offer you pointers to get started. They are very good at making accommodation for testing and that sort of thing and Cisco used to offer me their documentation in braille but I haven’t followed up on that recently, not sure if that’s changed.
Good luck and I personally think you’ve picked an interesting topic to learn. It’s treated me well.;)
> On Sep 5, 2016, at 7:44 PM, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1964@gmail.com> wrote: > > None of the Cisco Academy courses will give you the CCNA. They will prep you for them only. Then you have to take the certification as a different exam. The biggest challenge you will find is developing an environment to test your network concepts in a network lab. You can rent rack services on the net for CCNA. The books will provide you with the theory. The challenge with the books is they are visually designed thus understanding packet flow, net mask maths, etc can be tricky. > > Sean >> On 7 Sep 2016, at 2:43 AM, Hadi Rezaei <hadirezaei@gmx.com> wrote: >> >> Hi there >> >> Thanks for the links; I just did take a look at them. CAVI appears to be an online school if i'm not mistaking. >> >> Will completing the courses in CAVI give me an oportunity to take the CCNA exam? The concept of an online academy sounds new to me; It's however looks very interesting, I'll do more research on this. >> >> Thanks >> >> >> >> On 8/31/2016 9:21 PM, Guerra Access Technology Training LLC wrote: >>> Have you looked in to www.ciscovision.org or www.cavitraining.org >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Blind-sysadmins >>> [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Hadi >>> Rezaei >>> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 9:05 AM >>> To: Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org >>> Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Want to study Computer networking, need >>> recommendation and suggestions >>> >>> Hi there guys. >>> >>> I'm Hadi from Iran. I've just graduated this summer from Tehran Azad >>> university and hold a BA degree in English literature. I'm thinking about >>> having a major change and I'm looking in to Computer networks. >>> I've always been intrested in this subject, and have played with my devices >>> in home to create a small network, (e. streaming with raspberry pi, sharing >>> data between devices, and some basic things like that). >>> I'm looking for a way to study networking, and already doing research about >>> courses and certifications. I wanted to ask for advice and recommendations >>> from you guys, and get help from experienced users. >>> I'm currently looking for courses, colleges and universities that can help >>> me to start in this subject, and I would greatly appreciate any help if >>> someone can help me with this. >>> There are some points I would like to make, the first one being is that I'm >>> on a complete beginner level, and I do not have any passed experience with >>> networking, and working with network-related gear. >>> one very important point is that I'm extremely enthusiastic towards this >>> path, and am ready to move abroad and accept all the challenges that comes >>> with it, If It means for me to study in an environment that is suitable for >>> learning this subject with accessible methods and gear. now >>> - I say this because my current options in my current location are >>> extremely limited, As there are absolutely no support for blind and visually >>> impaired to study networking courses in education centers around me; So I >>> would be completely on my own. fortunately, I have the support and funds to >>> move out of the country if required for me to follow this path and career, >>> so I'm strongly considering this option. >>> >>> this is a very general letter, but I'm willing to provide more information >>> if needed. I'm looking for any tips or advice I could get to start on this >>> journey, and I would appreciate and be very delighted for any of them. >>> Thanks a lot >>> Cheers >>> Hadi Rezaei >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Blind-sysadmins mailing list >>> Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org >>> https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Blind-sysadmins mailing list >>> Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org >>> https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins >> _______________________________________________ >> Blind-sysadmins mailing list >> Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org >> https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins > _______________________________________________ > Blind-sysadmins mailing list > Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org > https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
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