I have been a backup VMWare admin for a few years. Actually, I'm third in line so maybe I'm the backup of a backup. Anyway, I've been tasked with shutting down our VMWare cluster. We're moving some virtual machines to a centralized VMWare cluster on campus. But others we are just going to recreate on the hosts we are currently using for our VMWare cluster. We have 4 hosts in our cluster. I need to shift some VMs around so I can take a host out of the cluster. Then I am going to install Linux on the host and recreate the virtual machine on the new Linux host. The goal would be to get to just one host with one virtual machine, the vcenter server. At that point we could just turn it off. I know how to migrate a VM to another host but what I don't know is how to figure out where to move it. Is there a way to show which VMs are running on which host in the VSphere client? Can I get a report of how burdened a host is? I keep googling this stuff and I get answers way beyond this simple stuff I want to do. - John G. Heim; jheim@math.wisc.edu; 608-263-4189