Hello Barry and all, I got stuck at the same point that you did while using Nero. I'm not positive, but I think the writer of this documentation was using an older version of Nero so perhaps the copying of files is a bit different. I was attempting to make one of these bootable xp disks for the unattended installation for a job and I never was able to figure out how to make it work either. I tried a different burning program but it didn't give me the booting options that Nero does. This has been a big stumbling block for me while I've been seeking employment. I've looked into installing the windows xp to a server so that I could run the installation via network instead, but I've never been able to get that working either. I've tried Ghost and some other imaging programs, the version of Ghost for the job I mentioned earlier was the old dos version and I wasn't able to get a dos screen reader to work with it since the dos in the Ghost program appeared to be a graphical dos and wouldn't talk. If I could make the unattended installation work with an answer file, this would help in installing Vista, Server 2003, and others as well. If anyone has any information as to how this can be done, I've actually heard something about being able to do an unattended installation of Windows using a Linux program, I would be most interested in hearing about it. Thanks for listening and sorry I could not be more helpful. Best Regards, Beth _____ From: blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Barry Toner Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:04 PM To: blind-sysadmins Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Unattended XP Hi Folks, I've created several of these in the past. I'm getting a bit lost with Nero v7 though. When you get to the point when you copy your XP disc files to the ISO Panel? What ISO Panel? I've attached the file I've always worked from. I'm stuck at the section reading, " Locate the folder C:\XP\CD-ROOT Select everything in the folder and copy it to the ISO compilation panel." This is on page 4. The UI's changed that much in v5 I'm getting a bit lost. Anyone help or even poitn me to instructions on how to do this using Nero 7? A brief google yealded nothing useful. Thanks, Barry.