Hi. Can ryan contact me off list. I just read his blog about his journey to Microsoft. Will schm or any accessible help me with my issue. Don't have head set, just speakers, when I launch a windows 2012 , 2016, 2019. No audio. Just hear caps lock on and off when I go to then host audio with my real tech speakers, so hear that, but windows narrator does not come on. Will window-eyes help me out. Or is there any scripts, did try the Sc config audiosrv start= auto and it does not turn audio on. So have tried that. Did try Dev Man View, but did enable audio and did save it as the same name for my speakers. So is there any way to turn on audio, except having to have sighted help. Has ryan ever ran into this issue. Running windows 10 2009 pro. Got 8 gb ram, and allocating 4 gb for vms, for my networking course. Had to get sighted help to do a whole bunch of vms, for windows 2019 , and this was my trainers versions and he gave me the keys for this. And now using windows server 2012 r2, and running into the same issue. If I go with my default audio. Windows narrator does not come on. Just got a standard ear bud heaphones. Don't have a head set. Any ideas. Have tried googling and trying a whole bunch of things, and don't want to have to rely on sighted help all the time. Have contacted enterprise disability and in Australia and waiting for a reply have tried to do things and get it to work. So any scripts. Think the last version of window eyes works with windows 10. But not sure, maybe 2004. Got 20 h 2 or 2009. And got a intel I 7 3 2.3 quad core or duel core up to 6 cores ghz processor, 500 gb solid state drive and a Samsung 2 inch solid state drive external drive 512 gb. So any ideas. This is stupid. Either a oversight with accessibility for Microsoft or they have deleiberatley done this so not to have extra resources. Any ideas and please be civil, no snide reamrks or be sarcastic. Have been polite to you guys. And have not rambed. Just explained my situation as best as possible. This is stupid. Know how to install windows 10 without sighted help and able to run windows narrator. Cannot do this in server. So, will the scm or a terminal by pass this. Any ideas. Do have putty. Marvin..