Hi All, As I guess I once said I started working as a sysadmin in our city hall a year ago. I am successfully using NVDA and the NVDA remote plugin to access others pcs and help them solving problems. All clients and servers share the same NVDA settings on a network share which works fine. Over the year i have various versions of NVDA all over the network and ask if i can distribute NVDA over WSUS or install it via GPO? Or is there another possibility? Greetings and thanks, Simon Mit freundlichen Grüßen Simon Eigeldinger Informatik Nebengebäude 1, OG1 Stadt Hohenems Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 4 6845 Hohenems Österreich Tel.: +43 5576 7101-1143 Fax: +43 5576 7101-1149 E-Mail: simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at<mailto:simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at> Web: www.hohenems.at<http://www.hohenems.at> Diese Nachricht und allfällige angehängte Dokumente sind vertraulich und nur für den/die Adressaten bestimmt.