Hi, accessing peoples computer remotely is not a problem at all using nvda and the remote addon. i first connect with teamviewer. on all computers there is a modified desktop icon that starts nvda which i can easily access blindly by hitting win+m and then typing nv quickly. the icon connects then to my computer which acts as a server. the config is placed on a network share where nvda can find it. all you have to add to the normal icon is the -c flag and the path to the directory. greetings, simon Am 11.04.2017 um 18:26 schrieb Katherine M. Moss via Blind-sysadmins:
If it were possible, then, that would be great. I'm currently seeing the same sort of issue; I'm not able to remotely access people's computers. Maybe a msi installer built by the community is in the works, then? Or one of us might be able to? WiX could do something crazy interesting here ...
-----Original Message----- From: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Ryan Shugart via Blind-sysadmins Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 12:17 PM To: Blind sysadmins list <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Cc: Ryan Shugart <ryshugar@microsoft.com> Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] NVDA: Distributing NVDA over a network to many computers
Hi: I don't think the NVDA installer is distributed as an .MSI package, so you probably couldn't use the software installation specific feature of GPO to install it. You may be able to use a logon script to push it out to machines, however. If I'm right though, there are no driver dependencies, so I don't see why technically you couldn't install one copy of NVDA to a network share, then run it directly from the network share through out the organization. I have never done this in practice this is theory only so I don't know what the share permissions would need to be, but assuming you had enough bandwidth I'd think that option would work. Finally, if you have something like SCCM you could probably use that to push out NVDA. Again I've never done that in practice, but from my understanding of the NVDA installer, making a batch file or similar to copy out the NVDA files and distributing that out as an SCCM program would be an option. Your milage may vary and all that. If you have SCCM, can't make the network share work for whatever reason, and have the skills to set that up using the new application model that'd be the best approach as you could, in theory, log onto a machine, SCCM would see you need NVDA and install and start that, and when you logged off SCCM would take NVDA off the machine. Ryan
-----Original Message----- From: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Eigeldinger Simon Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 12:46 AM To: 'Blind sysadmins list' <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] NVDA: Distributing NVDA over a network to many computers
Hi All,
As I guess I once said I started working as a sysadmin in our city hall a year ago. I am successfully using NVDA and the NVDA remote plugin to access others pcs and help them solving problems. All clients and servers share the same NVDA settings on a network share which works fine.
Over the year i have various versions of NVDA all over the network and ask if i can distribute NVDA over WSUS or install it via GPO? Or is there another possibility?
Greetings and thanks, Simon
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Simon Eigeldinger Informatik Nebengebäude 1, OG1
Stadt Hohenems Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 4 6845 Hohenems Österreich Tel.: +43 5576 7101-1143 Fax: +43 5576 7101-1149 E-Mail: simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at<mailto:simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at> Web: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.hohenems.at&data=02%7C01%7Cryshugar%40microsoft.com%7Cecd50d29955c4fae5d0408d480aeeafc%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636274936133531477&sdata=euAhudrsFvQiaHTa2%2FI4feImQNb34jF24VQAPLFLVvM%3D&reserved=0<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hohenems.at&data=02%7C01%7Cryshugar%40microsoft.com%7Cecd50d29955c4fae5d0408d480aeeafc%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636274936133531477&sdata=6i5ZYqUr4cdTYCjWO6Jen9823GvZWGzL4wDA9Gp4ZYo%3D&reserved=0>
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-- Simon Eigeldinger Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/domasofan/ E-Mail: simon.eigeldinger@vol.at MSN: simon_eigeldinger@hotmail.com ICQ: 121823966 Jabber: domasofan@andrelouis.com --- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft. https://www.avast.com/antivirus