Hi all, Anyone is using RSAT (Remote Access Server Tools) with NVDA? I guess NVDA doesn't like it when i open that with a different account than the user it is running. so you open that as admin and with a different user but in my normal user environment who is just local admin. the interface is there but list boxes and treeviews seem to contain elements but they are not announced. a list box for example is just announced with that: list: list entry: 1 of 20. and when you scroll down it just says: list entry, list entry, list entry. Anyone knows that issue? Can i fix that somewhere o do i need to change the account to that this tool is needed to run as? running it as a different user would not need me to change the account every time i want to use the tools. Greetings, Simon --- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft. https://www.avast.com/antivirus