The last time I built a PC, I got an AMD CPU partially because I had read lots of messages from people (presumably sighted people) talking about how they damaged their mobo trying to install an Intel CPU. Apparently, the pins are on the mobo. You close the lever and the pins are inserted into the CPU. But apparently, its easy to mess that up. That scared me considerably. Its pretty easy to bend the pins on an AMD CPU but that can be fairly easily fixed. Although you'd probably need someone who can see to do it. Comments? I am currently shopping for a mobo and CPU. I just built a PC about a year ago but I gave it to my wife when hers crashed. I came pretty close to buying a quad-core Intel CPU and Asus mobo. I kind of chickened out at the last minute. Also, with 16Gb of RaM it would have been $350. I don't know if I need to spend that much. I'm thinking I might end up going with components similar to what I bought a year ago, quad-core AMD CPU, Asus mobo, 8Gb RAM.