Hi all,, Was wondering whether or not anybody has gotten this to work? We've got a nice Asterisk PBX running, and now we're trying to incorporate chat into it. The big question is whether to use something like EJabberd and use its extension, though doesn't Asterisk itself have an extension? My thoughts were the more integrated this is, the less administration any of us have to do with one server handling calls, while the other is handling chat ... not to mention, the prospects of using Active Directory credentials with it. Any suggestions, guys? I can't find anything worth a dang regarding documentation on this (It's my friend who set up the asterisk server; he's teaching me, not the other way around). Also, for soft clients, was looking at X-Lite or Bria, their paid product. How does everyone around here like either one of those? Thanks for all the assistance in advance. Appreciated. I wish I could give you more information on our server environment, though last time I spoke with people, tweeks were still happening. I'd think it's probably either Ubuntu or CentOS; some members of my little group or obsessed with those. LOL