7 Jan
7 Jan
2:53 p.m.
Is anyone aware of an accessible password manager and data vault program that works both on a Windows PC and on an iPhone? I am looking for cross platform integration. I know Keeper works well on an iOS platform, such as the iPhone, however the Windows client appears to not be useable with text to speech software. Vic Pereira Infrastructure Operations | Operations des TI Shared Services Canada | Industry Canada | Services partagés Canada | Industrie Canada 400 St Mary Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 | 400, avenue St Mary, Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 vic.pereira@ssc-spc.gc.ca Telephone | Téléphone 204-983-0653 Facsimile | Télécopieur 204-984-4205 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada