Hi there! I'm really not sure where to post this, but I figured that tech support or sysadmin people end up dealing with the issues in some respect. For my work I am being trained to perform, we use RightNow as a system that gives us the call flows, and normally, it would combine another web-based tool we use for account information, some kind of a contact browser that I'm not sure of the use yet, and Verizon Agent Desktop, or I believe that's what VAD stands for in our case. My trainer has had me use an external version of the account tool in a separate Internet Explorer window, but it means that existing accounts won't pull up automatically based on caller ID or IVR input. This is because we have yet to find a shortcut key in RightNow to jump between the web area and the call flow area. Yes, I have tried control tab, control F6, regular F6 that IE might use to go from the browser to the other panes, to no avail, so customers I deal with might just have to verify twice because of that integration disconnect. The bigger issue I have is that the call flow area is very inefficient with JFW because it's mostly working with the Jaws cursor, and maybe all the possible senarios aren't listed and would need to be scrolled down, but if time will be forever no object, I could maybe slog through it. A couple things can be tabbed through if I get the Jaws cursor in there; at least the disclosure parts that don't come from the account tool and are in this call flow area are in read-only edit boxes I can read with my Focus 40 Blue, if I can land on them. Are there any shortcut keys for right-now to be able to jump between the two panes and leave the external browser behind and to choose my option for the call flow stuff? As for the VAD part of the equasion the trainer thinks it might be a lot of graphics that wouldn't be accessible, but since he isn't a Jaws user, it's worth a shot to try and see for myself with the assistive tech person I'm working with. I have a feeling this stuff could call for some JFW scripting, but I don't know anyone who is physically located in Wisconsin that can be physically on site, since remote access is considered very taboo these days. Finally, we would have to figure out, assuming scripts were written, an acceptable way for me to install them on every login, since my employer's client requires that the Windows Profile be wiped on every login. As for the phone stuff, the trainer thought of using the buttons on the hard phone to control some of the stuff, but with having to have any braille under a plastic sleave, getting back and forth to flip pages and dial would get me more fails for wrong transfer than the quality deduction of doing what the customer wants if the system allows anyways to minimize transferring.