How naive you are my friend. The petition merely asked that the creation of a fully functioning screen reader be considered. That is the least which might be done. How will this "fully functioning" screen reader differ from what specialized companies offer now? If indeed there were to be such incorporated in the latest windows operating systems. The specialized companies will be put as out of business as was that which produced the outspoken screen reader. Thus putting blind employees out of work, in a field where experience is most to be desired, and least to be found for blind Information technology specialists in the mainstream area of information technology. But, we blind consumers seem to care little for their plight. As long as we can get something for nearly nothing. Considering the cost of such a "free screen reader" will be negligible. Because of the volume of sales achieved by Microsoft's windows operating system. I am one who will never avail myself of an operating system which by its existence actively puts my fellow blind citizens out of work. As was demonstrated by the non existence of the outspoken screen reader. I know I am only a single person. But, that is why I don't, and will never own an Apple product. Nor will I ever subscribe to I-Tunes. Employment opportunities are limited enough for us blind individuals. I don't have to make their job search more difficult. By actively doing my best to put the companies for whom they work out of business. I would want the same sort of caring and consideration. If I were in their position. Which is why I proudly pay for Jaws upgrades each two years. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Darragh Ó Héiligh" <d@digitaldarragh.com> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 7:05 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] Fully funcional windows 10screen readerpetition
Please just vote for this. Nothing bad will come of it.
At minimum it will highlight this need and at most it will result in a little more consideration added to Nerator.
The more MS work on a screen reader, the more they will find the problems that FS, GW and NV struggle with and hopefully the more will be fixed.
A Windows screen reader won't necessarily spell the end for Freedom Scientific or NVDA. It will generate more competition and this can only be a good thing.
As I said as well, if Microsoft develop a screen reader, they will most likely base it on UIA and maybe UIA will become more wide spread and more reliable.
Also, Maybe Microsoft will learn from their trials and tribulations and release better documentation and standards for third party app developers to follow. This should be a win win for everyone.
Go vote. IT takes 3 seconds.
-----Original Message----- From: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Angel Sent: 13 January 2015 12:03 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] Fully funcional windows 10 screen readerpetition
If this fully functioning screen reader is implemented, it will be interesting to read the faults with it found by those who cried for it in the first place, and how different it will be from that which the specialist companies provide now. Why don't those who want a fully functioning screen reader just purchase Microsoft Office 10 or above, and have their screen reader? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sean Murphy" <mhysnm1964@gmail.com> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 4:56 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] Fully funcional windows 10 screen readerpetition
Sorry I don't agree with this. If ms want to include a full screen reader then sponser NVDA Or buy one of the available screen readers. Even better provide a full API for accessiblity like Apple and let the small specialist companies do the thing. Then you get the best of both worlds.
My experience is the part
On 13 Jan 2015, at 9:34 am, Mario Percinic <mario.percinic@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone. someone has started a petition on microsoft's own windows 10 forum to add a fully functional screen reader to windows. If the petition gets enough votes, microsoft will consider it as an addition to windows 10. Please sign in and spred it around as much as possible. If we get enough votes, there is huge possibility that we could press microsoft to actually do something about it.
the link for the petition is: https://windows.uservoice.com/forums/265757-windows-feature-suggestio ns/suggestions/6942363-add-a-native-fully-functional-screen-reader-to -wi
-- Mario Percinic Accessibility consultant mario.percinic@gmail.com skype: acousticman gsm: +385922630259
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