All, A quick background into my history. I have been in I.T industry since 1988 when everyone was using DOS. In those days there were very little barriers. When Windows was introduced, I lost my job and ended up working for a Blindness Agency working with Adaptive Technology Support. 2001, I was contracted by FS to work for them for a short period of time. Up to this date, I have been a Desktop support engineer or working in the assistive Technology fields. Mid 2003 my contract with FS ended and I was in the situation looking for a new job. I was successful in landing a job with a very small networking company which develops their own Linux router. I knew very little about either and due to a friend, I would not have got the job. 4.5 years later, I have gained a lot of knowledge in networking and Linux. But I am no expert and still are learning. Just recently, I have been successful in landing a job with Cisco Australia. I am working in their Technical Support group. I cannot comment much on what I shall be doing or issues. But one thing, cisco is very happy to work around any problems that might arise. These are the areas I feel are the easiest for VI's: Linux/Unix Admin, networking and security. Programming. Database management under Linux/Unix. I do not know about Windows. Windows Administration I believe is possible. Networking on Cisco products or any CLI base network device. The bottom line, is you need to learn programming so you can create tools to develop alternative tools to do your job. Languages such as Perl, Ruby and Pyfon or Windows scripting languaging. This is something I am currently trying to improve. Sean