Ibraam Wahib napsal(a):
hello friends: my pc has infected by a strange virus it can't be removed at all, even its name unknown. can I find live CD for Linux help me to clean it, specially my flash card infected too and it contains very important files I can't format it anyway. please help me as you can. always find: user/local setting/temp/svchoost.exe and many files *.tmp in user application data, also CMD running in task manager. each time make scan the program detect different warm/trogen, and the problem still not solved. pc is so slow, all anti virus sites not open, also sometimes search engine. am sorry if it off topic, but hope find solution. thanks ibraam
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Dear syr, I AM recommending You Vinux live CD, because it is based on The latest Ubuntu release, with new Linux kernel and many hardware devices can be detected. First of all, i would like to strongly recommend You to try to turn The Windows operating system off by The normal way, so NTFS file system will be closed properly. Before You will begin with antivirus removal from The infected harddisk or flash cart, try to firstly backup Your important data. You can use Nautilus file manager for this, because it support best The various local language specific coding of file names. Because NTFS-3G is included in Vinux, it will very probably access Yours NTFS volume. There are some specialized Linux distros whichare containing some antivirus removal tools, but those distros are not including screen reader and speech support and in some cases, even audio support is not included. So try to start Vinux, YOu can download it here http://vinuxproject.org/Downloads/V3.2.1/Vinux-3.2.1-i386-CD.iso Burn The iso image like The iso image in some burning program. You can also boot from USB, but You would have to know, how to access The BIOS boot menu to choose The USB drive. If Vinux will not detect all required hardware component, and You will not be able to use it for file backup purposes, try to use ADRIANE KNOPPIX. The good Antivirus for Linux is Clamav, there is even Clamav GUI for accessing this antivirus engine by using Gnome desktop or other GTK based desktop environment for Linux. Adriane Knoppix live CD can be downloaded here. ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/knoppix/ADRIANE-KNOPPIX_V6.4.4CD-2011-01-30-EN.iso You can try to boot from older Vinux, if new Linux kernel will have some issues with Yours graphics cart thank's to The 3D implementation feature of new Linux kernel, which can in some cases make a difficulty. Vinux can be downloaded from here, also older VInux versions based on Ubuntu Lucid. http://vinuxproject.org/downloads So do not forget for Clamav antivirus and it's GUI variant. This program can be installed by using Synaptics in Vinux, or You can always install it by using apt-get update apt-get install The name of The clamav GUI package. I think that it is gclamav but i AM not sure. -- Mgr. Janusz Chmiel