Hi: So, to those of you out there who admin Office 365 tenants, I was just curious as to what tips you had in terms of accessibility goes? Do you use the various web UIs or Powershell mostly? I’m finding the Exchange online UI is accessible with Window-Eyes, if slightly clunky and there are some parts that don’t work as expected (like the combo box where you have to use your left and right arrow instead of up and down.) But I think its doable, if not quick. I’ve not played too much with Skype For Business’s admin UI but it looks similar, and I’ve not touched Onedrive or Sharepoint at all. Despite multiple invitations from Microsoft to activate my Yammer, I haven’t messed with it, from the little I know of it I don’t think I’d get any use out of it. One frustration I’ve had is the main Office 365 portal doesn’t seem to work well at all, I can do things like view system status and such, but I think there’s a tree where I can select which application I want to admin, and that isn’t working for me at all or I haven’t figured it out yet. I know I can jump right to Exchange Online’s admin page by going to http://outlook.office365.com/ecp, and I think there are similar pages for the others but I haven’t found them yet. If anyone else knows them please share. I have the Office 365 iPhone app, which lets me do a lot of what the portal should let me do, but I can’t seem to find ways to admin Exchange and the other apps themselves through the IOS app, mainly just manage the users and licenses and get system status. Thanks a lot. Ryan