Good morning / Afternoon / evening / night depending on where you are in the world. I am delighted to report that the soon to be released update to sCCM 2012 SP1 includes a large number of accessibility fixes. I have been working with Microsoft from a few different angles over the past four months and they've been providing me with a number of very progressive private builds to test. You should however be aware that I have also strongly voiced my belief to FreedomScientific that Jaws 14 has major problems with working in .net 4.5 controls. I have provided them with various examples from applications made by Microsoft and a number of other companies but I haven't received a response from Bryan or Eric and John Carson doesn't seem to be taking the issue very seriously. In my experience, Jaws has very little time to get it's act together before these controls become much more widespread. I am encountering them because I'm working on a number of very new releases but fortunately for them, the majority of their user base hasn't encountered any of them yet. They have some breathing space here but I don't think their going to act until it's too late. The reason that I mention it here is that in SCCM there are a number of these new controls. For example, certain tree views and tables in SCCM won't speak properly. It's nothing that the sCCM developers can fix. Jaws reads the ID of the control and not the contents. I expect it's something that has been changed in UIA that hasn't been captured by Jaws yet. I encourage you to always submit any problem you encounter with Jaws to support@freedomscientific.com and CC half the world in your report. There is a small minority of us that actively provide them with feedback. Far too many problems go unfixed because FS haven't heard from enough users to justify spending time on some of the less known bugs. In faireness, this isn't Freedomscientific's fault. It is the responsibility of the users to provide feedback. As luck would have it, a week before I am planning to leave this job to start with a new employre and a very different role Microsoft provide me with a much improved build of SCCM! It looks like I'm taking a step away from the system administration type role for the moment and going into a software development and managerial role. I managed a team of 19 people on a 24/7 team for a year six years ago and I hated every minute of it. Now, I'll be managing 3 software developers in support roles so it should be a very different experience. It has meant that I've been cramming on Visual studio, SQL, IIS and all of the related tools such as resharper, SQL profiler, SQL optomization tools etc. Regards Darragh � H�iligh Fujitsu Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 3559 Email: darragh.oheiligh@oireachtas.ie Internet: http://www.oireachtas.ie Oireachtas email policy and disclaimer. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/oireachtasemailpolicyanddisclaimer... Beartas r�omhphoist an Oireachtais agus s�anadh. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/ga/eolas/beartasriomhphoistanoireachtais...