Hi all, I wanted to backup a win 7 64 bit laptop which has been recently been reinstalled. Now clonezilla gives me that error: The selected devices: sda This disk contains mismatched GPT and MBR partition: /dev/sda It will confuse Clonezilla and might make the saved image useless or fail to clo ne the disk. You can use gdisk or sgdisk to fix this issue. E.g. if you are sure only MBR par tition table is the one you want, you can run this command to destroy the GPT pa rtition table while keep the MBR partition table: sudo sgdisk -z /dev/sdx //NOTE// (1) Replace /dev/sdx with the above hard drive name. (2) ALL EXISTING D ATA ON THE DISK WILL BE LOST IF GIVING WRONG COMMAND. USE THIS COMMAND CAREFULLY ! Please fix this issue then restart Clonezilla again. Program terminated!! Press "Enter" to continue...... Is that dangerous when i remove the gpt partition? Has someone done that without any issues? Greetings and thanks, Simon