Hello all, I know this is sort of off topic for this list. I was just wondering, has anyone else looked into this, or actually done this? I am looking in to the CCNA Discovery, but the site ciscovision.org isn't to detailing. On 1/11/10, Jackie McBride <abletec@gmail.com> wrote:
The cisco Networking Academy for the Visually impaired out of Perth, Western Australia, is offering classes beginning in February, 2010. Classes being offered are I T Essentials 1 & CCNA Discovery. For more information & to apply, contact caviinfo@gmail.com
You may also wish to visit www.ciscovision.org
The site is under construction at present but does contain some useful information.
Students from all over the world are welcome as lectures are done online using Ventrilo & are also recorded for listening for those unable to attend.
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride www.abletec.serverheaven.net Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/larkspur>