18 Jul
18 Jul
1:36 a.m.
Careful you get the right freedos, the new one is 32-bit and flashy. I use asap for boot disks if you have hardware speech, I don't think Larry is chasing anyone over it these days. Otherwise there are copies of demo flipper and also provox around I have all of them. Regards, Kerry. On 18/07/2015 1:15 AM, John G Heim wrote:
Anybody have an old copy of the free jaws for DOS download? I need to flash a BIOS and I want to make a talking, bootable, USB thumb drive. I used to have a talking freeDOS boot floppy image but I got rid of it. I know jaws for DOS works with freeDOS. I downloaded a bootable freeDOS image so prety much all I have to do is to install jaws.