22 Oct
22 Oct
5:58 p.m.
Do any of you happen to know of a MySQL interface that works in high contrast mode such as windows colors? I've tried MySQL workbench and MyDB Studio and they suck! More and more of the applications are stuck in a color scheme mae by the developer and it gets quite annoying. Thanks in advance. Also, I don't want to use PHPmyAdmin. I need this to be local on my machine and connect to the server. Best Regards, Billy L. Irwin Irwin Solutions 207 Strange Ct. Spartanburg, SC 29301 P: 864-551-2501 Spartanburg/GSP Area C: 864-809-9620 Spartanburg, SC WB4BLI Emergency Coordinator - Spartanburg County Area 1 -2 SKYWARN / ADEC Area 2