From reading other peoples posts on forums, it seems like my isp is a bit reluctant to help with this sort of thing until you can proov that its not a problem at your end - they walk you through a
Hey all, I don't really like speaking with my isp's tech support, so I was wondering if anyone could suggest a few things to try in my situation to try and determin if the below is a problem at my end or the isp's? I have a fairly old (DG834G bought in 2006) modem / router / access point combo which has been working very well up until now. Every few days, the wan connection will get dropped and I have to reboot it until it comes back up; this can take quite a few reboots. It always shows as connected in the web interface - I can see upload and download speeds, but I don't get an ip from the isp. I've tried flashing the firmware, new cables and different micro filters all with no affect which has taken quite a while since it might work fine for days then all of a sudden fail. I considered using a computer with a usb modem and internet connection sharing connected to a switch to see if the issue goes away, but I'm really reluctant to have a windows box facing the internet on my network so I'd rather not. Using a different line is possible but would require quite a bit of rearranging, so unless people think it might help, again, I'd rather not. troubleshooting document and then they ask bt to run a test on the line which takes 30 days. Does anyone have any ideas about what I could try? Cheers, Ben.