Hi, I use clonezilla. works nicely under linux. you can use the grml live cd and speakup. if you want to set up a client/server environment i saw a free possibility. using UrBackup. www.urbackup.org not tested. greetings, Simon Mit freundlichen Grüßen Simon Eigeldinger Informatik Nebengebäude 1, OG1 ------------------------- Stadt Hohenems Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 4 6845 Hohenems Österreich Tel.: +43 5576 7101-1143 Fax: +43 5576 7101-1149 E-Mail: simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at Web: www.hohenems.at Diese Nachricht und allfällige angehängte Dokumente sind vertraulich und nur für den/die Adressaten bestimmt. -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] Im Auftrag von Can Kirca Gesendet: Mittwoch, 07. Juni 2017 09:28 An: blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org Betreff: [Blind-sysadmins] Complete backup solution recommendation? Hello, I have a desktop Windows based machine, would like to create a full backup/snapshot to use instead of formatting etc. It contains very complex configurations and I don't want to do everything from the scrach. My configuration below: •Dual boot with Windows 7 and 10 •512 GB Samsung Pro 950 M2 disk, NVEME, operating systems are installed in there., •An other harddrive is installed, I can use it for backup or can create a backup on the network. Looking for a complete solution. Everything is easy with Linux; but Windows... Thanks in advance. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins