Hello, Does anyone have experience with letsencrypt on a unix-based system and an apache web server? I'm using the acme-client and trying to get certificates, now one run worked for one of my domains, the other reports a bad exit status. I'd appreciate any help, I'm rather frustrated. Thanks. Dave.

David Mehler <dave.mehler@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm using the acme-client and trying to get certificates, now one run worked for one of my domains, the other reports a bad exit status.
I'm not using it with Apache, but I have it installed on my personal server, using the lets-encrypt client. The Web server in this case is nginx. In /etc/systemd/system I have the following two files: /etc/systemd/system/certificate-renewal.timer: # Derived from example at https://fedoramagazine.org/letsencrypt-now-available-fedora/ [Unit] Description=Trigger an automatic renewal every month [Timer] OnCalendar=monthly Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target /etc/systemd/system/certificate-renewal.service: # Derived from example at https://fedoramagazine.org/letsencrypt-now-available-fedora/ [Unit] Description=Renew the certificate for svr.jasonjgw.net. [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/letsencrypt renew ExecStart=/usr/sbin/systemctl reload nginx I suspect this won't solve your problem directly, but I hope it at least provides ideas that offer a path to a solution.
participants (2)
David Mehler
Jason White