JUDE USB wizard download link

Dear users, I would like to provide You The download link for JudeuSB Wizard. IT is very sad, that integrated .exe application, which is displaiing The start menu is not supporting The keyboard shortcuts. The Tieman USB braille Voyager device driver is perfectly working in this environment. NVDA can be really started without error message and even NVDA shortcut for displaiing menu is accessible, also dialog windows created by using Wxpython Unicode are working perfectly. The task would be to please MR Jaunty Lovel, so he would modifi The source code of his application for creating start menu so keyboard shortcuts would be awailable for us. Next task would be try to run Brltty for Windows as a service, sure also place the needed Braille Python bingings so NVDA would communicate with Brltty for Windows. I think, that also special USB filters would be installed. Drivers can be added during The creation process of bootable USB. User must also download Microsoft Windows AIK. But everythink would work. BUt keyboard shortcuts are The big issue. -- Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
participants (1)
Mgr. Janusz Chmiel