Re: [Blind-sysadmins] setting Primary Dns Suffix via samba

In case anyone is interested in this... I have not solved the problem I was asking about earlier this week. However, I've narrowed it todwn to a point where I have figured out I can ignore it. Well, sort of. The main symptom is that periodically, my Windows machine gets aninvalid DNS suffix search list. Instead of '' it's '' where 'bogus' is the name of the IT department on campus. This means that if I am using ssh, I have to give the fully qualified domain name. I can't say 'ssh lambeau'. I have to say 'ssh'. Also, the list of DNS servers is wrong. It's for the other department. For a while, I thought there was a rogue dhcp server on my network. But it puzzled me because my IP address was correct. If there was a rogue dhcp server, it was kind enough to hand out correct IP addresses. I eliminated the possibility of the rogue dhcp server by shutting down the dhcp service on my real dhcp servers. Then when I tried to renew my lease, it failed. Actually, it was kind of funny, at this point I had no network connection on my PC so I had to get my co-worker to restart dhcp. My boss drew an analogy with cutting off a branch you're sitting on. Anyway, at this point, I still don't know why the DNS suffix search list and the list of DNS servers gets messed up. According to the people in the IT department, dhcp broadcasts can't leave the subnet. But I know it happens only with Windows machines and only when a lease expires. And it can be easily fixed by issuing an 'ipconfig /renew'. So I give up.
To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] setting Primary Dns Suffix via samba
I don't know where I got the idea this is a samba It occurs to me that this may not be a samba problem. There is a setting for the primary DNS suffix in the Windows computer name settings. You can either hard-code it in or let it change with the Windows domain. That's why I thought it would be set via
samba. But on a linux machine, it's set via DHCP. So this is probably a DHCP problem.
From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:00 AM Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] setting Primary Dns Suffix via samba
There is something wrong with my samba domain. The main symptom is that after a DHCP lease expires, I get an invalid DNS suffix search list. It should be "" but it gets set to another department like "".
If I renew the lease, 'ipconfig /renew', it's right. However, the Primary Dns Suffix is always empty. I'm not finding anything on on how to set that. I know it can be hard coded in via the Windows control panel. But I don't want to have to fix that on all 200 computers that we have in our department. Most of them are booted into linux most of the time anyway.
So how to I configure samba to set the Primary Dns Suffix for Windows and how do I stop it from changing the DNS suffix search list?
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John G. Heim