Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids

Now for the Big Question... How Much? Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products. _http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( <_http://www.independhttp://wwwhtt_ ( > The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. _http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( Jericho, NY ( <_http://www.prweb.http_ ( > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US. Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator “Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America”, says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys’ Sales and Marketing Director. Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market.” The revolution § Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen. § The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format. § Kapten is more than a GPS. It’s a multi-transport navigator. § Kapten adapts to the way you get around—on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command. § Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones. About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform. 790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis – France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <_http://www.kapsys.htt_ ( > About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind. 200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848 ### Link: _http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___ _Reply to sender_ ( Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3MTJyazc... 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$495 US Stephen A. Guerra Assistive Technology Specialist and Technical Operations Independent Living Aids LLC 200 Robbins Lane Building A, Suite 100 Jericho, NY 11753 Phone: (800) 537-2118-x3817 Direct Fax: (516) 450-3842 Read the All Things ILA Tech Blog Visit Independent Living Aids on the Web Visit Soundbytes on the Web -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:19 AM To:;;;;; Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Now for the Big Question... How Much? Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products. _http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( <_http://www.independhttp://wwwhtt_ ( > The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. _http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( Jericho, NY ( <_http://www.prweb.http_ ( > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US. Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator “Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America”, says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys’ Sales and Marketing Director. Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market.” The revolution § Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen. § The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format. § Kapten is more than a GPS. It’s a multi-transport navigator. § Kapten adapts to the way you get around—on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command. § Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones. About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform. 790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis – France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <_http://www.kapsys.htt_ ( > About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind. 200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848 ### Link: _http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___ _Reply to sender_ ( Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3MTJyazc... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3NzY3MjUE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (1) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJncnZyaDVpBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3Nzc2NzI1?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmcDZlNWRrBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3NzY3MjU-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmdG8wMmo0BF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBH NsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3NzY3MjU-) e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to: MARKETPLACE _Mom Power: Discover the community of moms doing more for their families, for the world and for each other_ ( 783925/L=/B=snTCMUPDhEo-/J=1257776725514957/K=S5RnycLd7jYFZTziRPTSOQ/A=56973 81/R=0/SIG=11eaa5dke/* (;_ylc=X3oDMTJlZG9xaDd0BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... NQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) • _Unsubscribe_ ( • _Terms of Use_ ( . __,_._,___ _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
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Stephen Guerra