Hi all, I'm thinking about picking up an EdgeRouterX in the next couple of months. I've heard good things about Ubiquiti's native accessibility, though I'm wondering about the latest updates? You know how venders do that ... they update stuff and end up breaking a label or what not on one of the links we use every day. Anyway ... my other question is ... I've never encountered speaking to my ISP and asking them to put their modem into bridge mode because I've never been allowed to. Should I have my EdgeRouter on hand when Verizon or Comcast or whoever comes to put in the new modem and they will work around me, or should I let them work and then make a separate phone call to have their device put into bridge mode, hence setting up my own primary router myself? And last but not least, do most ISP provided modems have enabled wireless access points on them even when in bridge mode? Or do I need to consider an external AP? Thanks for the feedback; I want to set up my new network right the first time.
participants (1)
Katherine Moss