Hello, I've got a system relatively new that my grml 2011.05 CD doesn't like. I'm getting an error about mount squashfs does not exist. I'm assuming my hardware is either to new, or 64 bit system and a 32 bit disk. In any case it isn't working. I am downloading the grml96 2013.02 iso and I'm going to write it to a usb stick. To those who have done this I'm wanting to use grml2usb so I can pass some boot parameters to the process. I do have a virtual machine running Ubuntu 12.04 so hopefully can run the grml2usb from that. Comments so far? What I'm wanting to know is is the option swspeak still available from the boot prompt in the latest 2013.02 iso for loading speakup with software speech? If so i'd like to pass that as a boot option so that I will get automatic speech. Comments welcome. Thanks. Dave.
participants (1)
David Mehler