Hi all, I've subscribed with my home address, barry@barry-toner.co.uk and my work address, b.toner@liberty-it.co.uk Lucky as I woke up this morning with a awful cold/chest infection and wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm a Sys Engineer for Liberty Information Technology over here in Belfast. I've wanted to take certs for the past 3 years or so but never really got motivated to do them. Something perhaps to do with lazy lecturers in Uni and their demotivating powers, J Has anyone on here gotten this cert? My works going to book and pay for my exam and also bought me my self-study book. For anyone interested CompTIA's A+ Complete Study Guide comes in pdf with the printed book and is completely usable, (I was delighted to find yesterday). The Pocket PC version of the Flash Cards that also come on the CD read fine as their in flash embedded in html. This is reading with JFW8 and Win Eyes 6.1. I think it's going to be tough going to self-study but I'm in a good and extremely technical team so can get my hands on most hardware that th ebook will have diagrams off. I also figure I'll try and make up points on areas I've an idea I'll be shaky on. I've also got CBT Nuggets A+ 2006 videos to help me along. If you haven't checked them out CBT Nuggets are wonderful! Whither it's for study for a cert or just pure geekyness. Check them out at, http://www.cbtnuggets.com So has anyone taken this who's totally blind and self-studyed? Barry.
participants (1)
Barry Toner