Hi everybody, while researching this evening I found a very useful winnt.sif reference. Although many on this list may not need it it occurred to me that there may be some for whom it will be very helpful, as it was to me. I've pasted it below. John. » [Data] AutoPartition=0 If you have the selection on 1 then Windows Setup will install the OS on any free partition that is available. If you remove this line or if you put AutoPartition=0 then setup will ask you on which partition you wish to install Windows onto and advises you what to do if your partition already contains an OS. MsDosInitiated = "0" If this setting is on "0" it will inform Setup that you are installing from CD, put a value of 1 if you use only diskettes to boot. UnattendedInstall = "Yes" If "Yes" is input, this will tell Setup you are running an installation of the Unattended type. AutomaticUpdates=yes This entry tells Setup to skip the Help Protect Your PC page that appears when setup is finished. (New in SP2). ^Back to Top » [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended Setting this option to FullUnattended will perform a fully unattended install, which uses the winnt.sif answer file to answer all the Setup questions, you will have no option to change these answers during setup. Other values can be found in the Ref.chm file that was mentioned on the Creating an Answer File page. OemSkipEula=Yes Setting this option to Yes will skip the EULA screen which you already read when you used Setup Manager. Setting this option to No will mean you have to press F8 on the keyboard to accept the license during text-mode Setup. OemPreinstall=Yes This option is default to No but if you are using the $OEM$ Distribution Folders then it needs to be set to Yes, so that Setup regards this installation as a distribution and copies these files over to the system drive. This occurs at the end of Text-mode Setup. Having OemPreinstall set to Yes will also prevent you from loading RAID/SATA drivers from a floppy disc during textmode setup. The only workaround for that problem is to directly integrate the drivers into the CD, as described here. TargetPath=\WINDOWS This option tells Setup the directory path that Windows should install to. Repartition=No Specifies whether to delete all partitions on the first drive of the client computer and to reformat the drive with the NTFS file system automatically. FileSystem=* If you prefer to manually choose a partition during text-mode setup with full control on choice of filesystem, add this entry to your winnt.sif file. UnattendSwitch="yes" Specifies whether Setup skips Windows Welcome or Mini-Setup when preinstalling Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional using the CD Boot method. Set this to yes to skip the "Setting Up Internet Connection" and "Create User Accounts" screens. WaitForReboot="No" Specifies whether the computer waits 15 seconds after GUI-mode Setup finishes. Choosing No will disable the 15 second wait. OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\Catalyst3_6\2KXP_INF;Drivers\asus\sound\" This is where you can tell Setup to search your updated drivers directories to find a better match than what's in the existing drivers.cab on the XP CD. If it finds a better match it will install those instead. More is explained on the Drivers page. DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore This will force Setup to install drivers that may not be WHQL certified. This is used in conjunction with OemPnPDriversPath. AutoActivate = Yes This will auto-activate your copy of Windows XP. To automatically activate Windows XP, you must first establish an Internet connection. Please make sure your ProductKey is valid under [UserData] ProgramFilesDir="C:\My Program Files" You can change the default location of Program Files using this entry. Replace the drive letter and folder name as appropriate. CommonProgramFilesDir="C:\My Program Files\My Common Files" You can change the default location of Common Files in Program Files using this entry. Replace the drive letter and folder names as appropriate. KeyboardLayout="United Kingdom" By setting your Keyboard Layout, this prevents the Language icon appearing on the taskbar when you've logged on. A full list of values can be found here. ^Back to Top » [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=YourPassword This option sets the Administrator password for the Admin account in Windows XP. Setting this option to * means a blank password will be set. EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes This option tells Setup if your password is Encrypted or Not, Yes will tell setup it is encrypted and No will tell setup it is not. If you have no Admin password this option should be set to No. Setup Manager will also encrypt the password for you in your winnt.sif answer file if you chose to. OEMSkipRegional=0 This option when set to 0 will show the regional screen, if set to 1 then it will skip the screen. TimeZone=85 This option is tells Setup what timezone to choose, eg. GMT Meantime is 85. Each timezone has a different value - a full listing of these timezone values can be found in ref.chm in the Deployment Tools. OemSkipWelcome=0 This option should be set to 0 if you have OemPreinstall from above on No, If OemPreinstall is on Yes then this option should be set to 1, not doing so will halt the OEM process! When set to 0 this tells Setup not to display the welcome screen during the GUI-mode of Windows Setup (Note: This is not the same as "Windows Welcome" where you set a username for your new account when Setup finishes) ProfilesDir="C:\Documents and Settings\" You can change the default location of Documents and Settings using this entry. DetachedProgram="%systemdrive%\install\batch.cmd" Using this entry will launch this SINGLE line at T-39 before Drivers have begun to install. Many users use this to extract a driver package to save space on their CD. Arguments="/s" This line accompanies DetachedProgram to pass the command in it parameters, such a a silent switch or similar. ^Back to Top » [Display] BitsPerPel=32 This option sets the color quality in bits. Available values are: 32, 24, 16, and 8 (that's 256 colors!) Xresolution=1024 This options sets the screen resolution that windows will start up in by default. This setting is the X size. Yresolution=768 This options sets the screen resolution that windows will start up in by default. This setting is the Y size. Vrefresh=85 This options sets the display's refresh rate. Make sure you do not exceed a number considered unsafe beyond your monitor's specification, doing so may result in damaging your monitor. AutoConfirm=1 This will disable the really annoying box the appears upon first logon if the resolution wasn't properly set. It's the popup that says your current resolution isn't correct for Windows XP. ^Back to Top » [UserData] ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx This option is where you enter your cd-key for Setup to use. FullName="Insert Name" This option is where you can specify your own name, this is displayed under "Registered to:" in Windows XP's System Properties. OrgName="Insert Organisation Name" This option is where you can specify your organisation name, this is also displayed under "Registered to:" in Windows XP's System Properties. ComputerName=Insert Name This option is where you can specify a name for your Computer, which is used system and network-wide. This is displayed in the Computer Name tab in Windows XP's System Properties. ^Back to Top » [TapiLocation] CountryCode=44 This is the option where you can specify your country code. For the UK its 44. Please refer to the ref.chm file in the Deployment Tools to get the correct values for other countries. AreaCode=07 This is the option where you can specify your area code. For Queensland, in Australia, it's 07. This is generally the first two digits of your phone number (in Australia at least). Dialing=Tone This option sets the type of phone line you have. Available values are Tone, and Pulse ^Back to Top » [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 This option sets the language group of your installation. Please refer to the ref.chm file in the Deployment Tools for more information. Language=00000809 This option sets the language of your installation. Please refer to the ref.chm file in the Deployment Tools for more information. 00000809 is for the UK ^Back to Top » [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP This option is specifies what workgroup you wish to join. If you don't use a network, then you can leave this part alone. ^Back to Top » [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes This option tells Setup if you want to install the default components for networking. If you select Yes then the default will be installed, If you select No then you can specify what protocols, services and clients to install and what not to. The best way to configure this is via Setup Manager (setupmgr.exe) ^Back to Top » [Components] msmsgs=off This option tells Setup not to install Windows Messenger 4.6 msnexplr=off This option tells Setup not to install MSN Explorer 7. freecell=off This option tells Setup not to install the FreeCell game. hearts=off This option tells Setup not to install the Hearts game. minesweeper=off This option tells Setup not to install the Minesweeper game. pinball=off This option tells Setup not to install the Pinball game. solitaire=off This option tells Setup not to install the Solitaire game. spider=off This option tells Setup not to install the Spider Solitaire Game. zonegames=off This option tells Setup not to install the MSN Zone Games. For a full list of components, you can view them here
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john coley