Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids

Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13... Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: Now for the Big Question... How Much? Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes: KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( ) Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US. Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator “Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America”, says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys’ Sales and Marketing Director. Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market.” The revolution § Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen. § The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format. § Kapten is more than a GPS. It’s a multi-transport navigator. § Kapten adapts to the way you get around—on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command. § Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones. About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform. 790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis – France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) > About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind. 200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848 ### Link: __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( ) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___ _Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-) e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to: MARKETPLACE _Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad (;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) • _Unsubscribe_ ( • _Terms of Use_ ( . __,_._,___

Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
“Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America”, says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys’ Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market.”
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It’s a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around—on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis – France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
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e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) • _Unsubscribe_ ( • _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:>

And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-)
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

I wouldn't place any trust in that review. It was done by someone with a vested interest in it's competition. I will have one of these on trial from Saturday on. I'll let you know how I get on with it. Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet: Rick Watson <> Sent by: 09/11/2009 19:19 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <> To Blind sysadmins list <> cc Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
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dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

I wouldn't place any trust in that review. It was done by someone with a vested interest in it's competition. I will have one of these on trial from Saturday on. I'll let you know how I get on with it. Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet: Rick Watson <> Sent by: 09/11/2009 19:19 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <> To Blind sysadmins list <> cc Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me
ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE links. list
just send a blank message to:
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-)
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-)
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above.

Hi Andrew, The irony of the post below is that Geo is blindness specific, and expensive, compared to Wayfinder Access. Ah well. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Andrew Hodgson Sent: Thursday 12 November 2009 15:30 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
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dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_
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zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_
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dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Remember we're spoiled Americans with unlimited data plans. (other nations have this as well) Many parts of the world though you pay per byte and way finder could add up to some real bills. Of course with wayfinder you don't have to load the maps and you have the availability of the features on an easily updated platform. A down side though is if you lose data you might be lost. Geo works even on non radio devices. Depends on your application and your requirements. Both have strong points. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Nutt" <> To: "'Blind sysadmins list'" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:39 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi Andrew, The irony of the post below is that Geo is blindness specific, and expensive, compared to Wayfinder Access. Ah well. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Andrew Hodgson Sent: Thursday 12 November 2009 15:30 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_
(;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobj A5BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQD
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9T Azk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0M
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5 NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMD
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk 3MzU5NzE0BGd
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_
( =groups/S=1705043011:MKP1/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1257790779/L=/B=E.i3J0SO5.k-/J=1257
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-)
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Here Here Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet: "Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <> To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ (
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Here Here Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet: "Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <> To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ (
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Maybe you should be asking why you need these toys to attract a woman. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:28 AM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Here Here Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet: "Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <> To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ (
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Actually as a woman I found the implications both insulting & disrespectful. "Girls" may drop their drawers simply because they haven't grown up. But proud women & ladies don't engage in such behavior, especially over some1's technology. Any other ladies on list as well as myself are sysadmins just like u, & it insults our professionalism to be addressed in such a manner. I seriously hope this topic quits. On 11/16/09, Angelo Sonnesso <> wrote:
Maybe you should be asking why you need these toys to attract a woman.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:28 AM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Here Here
Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet:
"Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <>
To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc
Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments
with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a
science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface
or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on
her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with
the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device.
Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer
Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email:
Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro.
Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money.
Thanks Rick
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids
Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499.
On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ (
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88.
Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email:
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:>

Lets all have a stiff upper lip now. What a wet blanket! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie McBride" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 7:31 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Actually as a woman I found the implications both insulting & disrespectful. "Girls" may drop their drawers simply because they haven't grown up. But proud women & ladies don't engage in such behavior, especially over some1's technology. Any other ladies on list as well as myself are sysadmins just like u, & it insults our professionalism to be addressed in such a manner. I seriously hope this topic quits. On 11/16/09, Angelo Sonnesso <> wrote:
Maybe you should be asking why you need these toys to attract a woman.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:28 AM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Here Here
Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet:
"Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <>
To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc
Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments
with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a
science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface
or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on
her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with
the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device.
Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer
Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email:
Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro.
Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money.
Thanks Rick
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids
Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499.
On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ (
OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88.
Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email:
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

OK. enough. This has gone hugely off topic.

OK. enough. This has gone hugely off topic.

Hi, Ok guys I think I need to call an end to this discussion, which was off-topic for the list anyway and was also crossposted. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 16 November 2009 15:37 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Lets all have a stiff upper lip now. What a wet blanket! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie McBride" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 7:31 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Actually as a woman I found the implications both insulting & disrespectful. "Girls" may drop their drawers simply because they haven't grown up. But proud women & ladies don't engage in such behavior, especially over some1's technology. Any other ladies on list as well as myself are sysadmins just like u, & it insults our professionalism to be addressed in such a manner. I seriously hope this topic quits. On 11/16/09, Angelo Sonnesso <> wrote:
Maybe you should be asking why you need these toys to attract a woman.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:28 AM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe]Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Here Here
Darragh Ó Héiligh IT administrator Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 4444 Email: Internet:
"Scott Granados" <> Sent by: 13/11/2009 07:20 Please respond to Blind sysadmins list <>
To "Blind sysadmins list" <> cc
Subject Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments
with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a
science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface
or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on
her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with
the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device.
Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer
Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email:
Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro.
Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids
And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money.
Thanks Rick
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids
Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499.
On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA...
dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA...
zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N...
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3...
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88.
Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email:
This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
_Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... MTcwNTA0MzAxMQRtc2dJZAM5NzU1NwRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawN2dHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1NzkE dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZmN2dDUxBF9TA... zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5N... dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmaGxwc2RkBF9TAzk3... ycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzE yNTc3ODM1Nzk-)
e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_ ( 783579815632/K=DxBgw2pgeRA4lyxxm3tNEQ/A=5898843/R=0/SIG=11kkq36go/*http://ad
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJlYnIzbGFhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNj... OQ--) Switch to: _Text-Only_ ( Delivery Format: Traditional) , _Daily Digest_ ( Delivery: Digest) * _Unsubscribe_ ( * _Terms of Use_ (
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag. The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week. ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi, Yes. Wayfinder is also pretty good, even the Access version which works better than Talks. I find a data connection is ok as you don't end up with gigabytes of maps taking over the whole device. Andrew. Andrew Hodgson Senior Systems Administrator/Projects Engineer Direct Line Tel: 01432 852332 Email: Please do not print this email unless absolutely necessary. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
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-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list -- allpay achieved PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification in 2008 Registered in England No. 02933191. UK VAT Reg. No. 666 9148 88. Telephone: 0844 225 5729, Fax: 0844 557 8350. Website: Email: This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the allpay Information Security Manager at the number above. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way, way down my list in terms of importance. I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do. Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag. The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week. ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM

Hi John, I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way, way down my list in terms of importance. I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do. Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag. The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week. ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Well, exactly which point that I made are you disputing? I didn't say your netbbook couldn't possibly have a usable keyboard. And I don't know how many times I have to say that I'm not disputing that the Pac Mate is old, even obsolete, by the standards of today's hardware before it sinks in. Look, no one in their right mind would say that they'd prefer a system with 128 Mb of RAM and Windows Mobile over one with 2 Gb and Windows XP or Windows 7. I'm not saying that. I'm talking about the basic design of a Pac mate-- which I find quite fundamentally sound. The Pac Mate has a more or less regular keyboard and an integrated braille display. If you want those two things, the design of a Pac Mate is very nice. If you want to live with a computer with a compressed keyboard, well, fine. But a lot of people wouldn't like that. And to say that the design of a Pac Mate is bogus simply because it has a more or less normal sized keyboard, well, that's crazy. If Freedom Scientific put out a machine exactly like the Pac Mate in design but updated to today's hardware standards, it would be a wonderful thing. Most likely it would still be too expensive but it wouldn't have any design flaws. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Nutt" <> To: "'Blind sysadmins list'" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:09 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Hi John,
I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too.
All the best
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way,
way down my list in terms of importance.
I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said
that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do.
Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag.
The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are?
And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens.
There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate.
I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

I think what we object to is the cost verses benefit here. (I'll tone down the local expressions a little I'm not meaning to personally attack) I realize that style / physical appearance is something we all value differently. I agree with you that functionality is king and I'll give you the fact that you like the design but I don't and honestly I don't like the design of 90% of the products made for our community specifically. A few points on style. A lot of us sited, blind, deaf and even left handed like to try at least to put together some sort of unified polished image because it seems to translate in to better inter personal relations both socially and professionally as I said earlier. I may not be able to read the Rolex that I wear but I wear one because it fits with my dress and with my friends around me. Whether we like to admit it or not, at least here in the bay area which admittedly is a hub for this sort of thing but we love our gadgets and they are both statements as well as tools. (fun fact, 40% of all cell phones in San Francisco are IPhones) The IPhone is a great example of this. It's really good looking, the interface is great, the things it does it does well instead of half assed like some other operating systems, and I can use one for $399 just like the guy next to me can who's sited. Iphones are ice breakers and have a strong fan base so you might get a girl's attention by having one, or might click with that possible employer, or might meet someone new and interesting because you both appreciate the same tech. If I'm walking around with my Rolex, Jordans and a car to match the watch just dropped me off and then I bust out a pakmate people just won't get it. It doesn't fit. I don't like the squarish vibe of these devices in general. Put a screen on all blind specific devices because we work with sited people and should be able to each have a common interface. (nothing screenless I need to stress this point) You laughed at my 30 inch touch screen idea but I use a 70 inch touch screen almost every day and I'm totally blind. Where I work has some experimental digital out of home stuff that we repurpose and experiment with. The idea isn't that crazy and I actually as a rule love touch interfaces from the small phones I use up to huge displays. There's something very real about interacting with the screen the way sited people do and that eases the flow of discussion because you're both working in a common interface. I'm not sure if I'm being clear enough here so I hope you get my point. Bottom line, I'd like to see the vendors in our equipment space be a lot more creative. ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: <>; "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 12:30 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSignsanAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Well, exactly which point that I made are you disputing? I didn't say your netbbook couldn't possibly have a usable keyboard. And I don't know how many times I have to say that I'm not disputing that the Pac Mate is old, even obsolete, by the standards of today's hardware before it sinks in. Look, no one in their right mind would say that they'd prefer a system with 128 Mb of RAM and Windows Mobile over one with 2 Gb and Windows XP or Windows 7. I'm not saying that. I'm talking about the basic design of a Pac mate-- which I find quite fundamentally sound. The Pac Mate has a more or less regular keyboard and an integrated braille display. If you want those two things, the design of a Pac Mate is very nice. If you want to live with a computer with a compressed keyboard, well, fine. But a lot of people wouldn't like that. And to say that the design of a Pac Mate is bogus simply because it has a more or less normal sized keyboard, well, that's crazy. If Freedom Scientific put out a machine exactly like the Pac Mate in design but updated to today's hardware standards, it would be a wonderful thing. Most likely it would still be too expensive but it wouldn't have any design flaws. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Nutt" <> To: "'Blind sysadmins list'" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:09 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Hi John,
I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too.
All the best
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way,
way down my list in terms of importance.
I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said
that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do.
Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag.
The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are?
And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens.
There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate.
I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Well, I think you need to realize, Scott, that very few people work in a place where it matters what kind of watch you wear. Personally, I wouldn't want to work in a place like that. I suppose there exist work places where style matters over substance but I'd rather not work in them. Give me a place where I can come to work in shorts and sneakers and where all that matters is the quality of my work. I can agree that it is valuable for a blind person to look respectable but if you came into a job interview at the university of Wisconsin flashing a Rolex and showing off your expensive new mobile phone, it would probably lessen your chances of getting the job. A nice conservative suit and tie would be sufficient. I sure don't think computers for blind people should have screens. In fact, I removed the screen from my laptop and put a handle in its place. Now I can carry it around with me while I listen to podcasts. And yeah, I'm very skeptical about touch screens. I find it hard to believe that they'd be better at all for a blind person and I am even more skeptical that they'd be worth the expense. And I certainly think it's unrealistic to expect a company like Freedom Scientific to begin development of a device with a touch screen at this point in time. There are many great reasons to trash Freedom Scientific but I just don't think the design of the Pac Mate is one of them. From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <>; <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:40 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSignsanAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
I think what we object to is the cost verses benefit here. (I'll tone down the local expressions a little I'm not meaning to personally attack) I realize that style / physical appearance is something we all value differently. I agree with you that functionality is king and I'll give you the fact that you like the design but I don't and honestly I don't like the design of 90% of the products made for our community specifically.
A few points on style. A lot of us sited, blind, deaf and even left handed like to try at least to put together some sort of unified polished image because it seems to translate in to better inter personal relations both socially and professionally as I said earlier. I may not be able to read the Rolex that I wear but I wear one because it fits with my dress and with my friends around me. Whether we like to admit it or not, at least here in the bay area which admittedly is a hub for this sort of thing but we love our gadgets and they are both statements as well as tools. (fun fact, 40% of all cell phones in San Francisco are IPhones) The IPhone is a great example of this. It's really good looking, the interface is great, the things it does it does well instead of half assed like some other operating systems, and I can use one for $399 just like the guy next to me can who's sited. Iphones are ice breakers and have a strong fan base so you might get a girl's attention by having one, or might click with that possible employer, or might meet someone new and interesting because you both appreciate the same tech. If I'm walking around with my Rolex, Jordans and a car to match the watch just dropped me off and then I bust out a pakmate people just won't get it. It doesn't fit. I don't like the squarish vibe of these devices in general. Put a screen on all blind specific devices because we work with sited people and should be able to each have a common interface. (nothing screenless I need to stress this point)
You laughed at my 30 inch touch screen idea but I use a 70 inch touch screen almost every day and I'm totally blind. Where I work has some experimental digital out of home stuff that we repurpose and experiment with. The idea isn't that crazy and I actually as a rule love touch interfaces from the small phones I use up to huge displays. There's something very real about interacting with the screen the way sited people do and that eases the flow of discussion because you're both working in a common interface. I'm not sure if I'm being clear enough here so I hope you get my point.
Bottom line, I'd like to see the vendors in our equipment space be a lot more creative.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: <>; "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 12:30 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSignsanAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Well, exactly which point that I made are you disputing? I didn't say your netbbook couldn't possibly have a usable keyboard. And I don't know how many times I have to say that I'm not disputing that the Pac Mate is old, even obsolete, by the standards of today's hardware before it sinks in.
Look, no one in their right mind would say that they'd prefer a system with 128 Mb of RAM and Windows Mobile over one with 2 Gb and Windows XP or Windows 7. I'm not saying that.
I'm talking about the basic design of a Pac mate-- which I find quite fundamentally sound. The Pac Mate has a more or less regular keyboard and an integrated braille display. If you want those two things, the design of a Pac Mate is very nice. If you want to live with a computer with a compressed keyboard, well, fine. But a lot of people wouldn't like that. And to say that the design of a Pac Mate is bogus simply because it has a more or less normal sized keyboard, well, that's crazy. If Freedom Scientific put out a machine exactly like the Pac Mate in design but updated to today's hardware standards, it would be a wonderful thing. Most likely it would still be too expensive but it wouldn't have any design flaws.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Nutt" <> To: "'Blind sysadmins list'" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:09 PM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Hi John,
I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too.
All the best
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way,
way down my list in terms of importance.
I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said
that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do.
Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag.
The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are?
And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens.
There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate.
I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids
Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

He will hate me for this, but I do tend to agree with Steve here. If you have no alternative but to use braille input, then your choices are limited. But these days, a netbook or laptop are way ahead of anything else, and yet in most cases can still support the emerging raft of very small lightweight braille displays if you need braille output. George. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Nutt Sent: 13 November 2009 20:09 To: 'Blind sysadmins list' Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi John, I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way, way down my list in terms of importance. I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do. Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag. The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week. ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

He will hate me for this, but I do tend to agree with Steve here. If you have no alternative but to use braille input, then your choices are limited. But these days, a netbook or laptop are way ahead of anything else, and yet in most cases can still support the emerging raft of very small lightweight braille displays if you need braille output. George. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Nutt Sent: 13 November 2009 20:09 To: 'Blind sysadmins list' Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Hi John, I have to disagree with you here. The Pacmate is twice the size of my Netbook and twice as heavy. My netbook has a perfectly usable keyboard, much better processor, and full-blown windows XP with 160GB of hard disk space. The Pacmate is definitely stonemasonry in my view too. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John G. Heim Sent: Friday 13 November 2009 17:23 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Think about what you're saying, Scott. You're suggesting someone buy a particular adaptive device to impress people? It's absurd. Yeah, I suppose that may figure into the equasion a little but, holy cow, that would be way, way down my list in terms of importance. I am not denying that the Pac Mate uses older or obsolete technology. I said that myself in my previous message. I am disputing your criticism of the basic design of the Pac Mate. It does do what it was designed to do. Your repeated assertion that the Pac Mate was designed by stone masons is meaningless. I made some specific logical points which you failed to address. The Pac Mate top surface is already as small as it could be and still have a normal keyboard and a braille display. Isn't that true? Some people like a normal sized keyboard. Or do you think everyone who owns a laptop is crazy? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins][BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Dude your smoking crack and not even good Oakland crack but that San Francisco Tenderloin shwag. The Pakmate is absolute garbage. It doesn't even do what it's marketed for well. It's made with ten year old technology if not more, it has the design style of a stone mason and wins the award for the clunkiest interface ever. If you like carrying building materials around with you then great, by all means. I however live n the real world where we like to have cool ice breakers, where we interact with the general population and where we have real desires / needs spanning the intire range from professional to social and everything inbetween. Clearly you haven't worked in a modern engineering work place. One's gadgets are an important (although certainly not the only part) of relationship building. I recently started a new job and a real part of my first day there was meeting new people and finding other gadget nuts to exchange war stories with. Just like my sited coworkers have the windows or b-berry / IPhone discussions I can participate as an equal member. Your pakmate can't do this. So enjoy your outdated non interoperable "note taker" I'm glad it works for you. I'll however stack my netbook up against your 10 year old device any day of the week. ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "John G. Heim" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:35 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns anAgreementwithIndependent Living Aids I think you are way, way off here. What the heck do I care about making girls drop their panties? These are tools for petes sake? Who gives a flying fig how stylish they are? And a touch screen? Holy cow! For blind people, there is no way a touch screen can come close to a keyboard for ease of input. In fact, there are people making money selling keypads for blind people to put over touch screens. There is nothing wrong with the basic design of a Pac Mate. The technology is old so it's thicker and heavier than it has to be. But other than that, it's perfectly fine. There is no way a unit could have a smaller top surface and still be as useful as a Pac Mate. I need a keyboard and an integrated braille display. That's exactly what the Pac Mate is. There's no wasted space on the top surface of a Pac Mate. I think you're confusing the Pac Mate with a cell phone. It's not a cell phone. You don't take your Pac Mate with you on a date. You take it too meetings and to class. What you really need to do is compare a KNFB Reader to your ideal machine, not a Pac Mate. The Pac Mate was never intended to do what you want a device to do. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Granados" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:20 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] KapsysSigns an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Oh let me clerify my blind specific comments. I wasn't really speaking about the software. I realize that software requires lots of developments with testing cycles and all number of issues from soup to nuts but the hardware is just unacceptable. I think the folks who design these products like the pakmate or braille devices went to stone masonry school. I'm going to beat the next so called designer of a blind hardware product with the brick he calls his device the next time I see one hit the market. Now to expand, I know that some folks have differing abilities and specific physical requirements but I don't need buttons the size of my naughty bits as an interface on a square block brick styleless blob of (explative deleted). I have a very fine sense of touch and good finger skillz (lol) that I expect most braille readers have. Why not make very fine controls with lots of functionality. Give me some style to the platform and for God sakes make the hardware something from this century. I don't want some note taker built by a highschool kid with a 6502 kit and a science project to complete! I seriously built equipment with more style and flaire in electronics lab! Give me some super thin flexable interface or a nice 30 inch Mac touch screen display! Give me something that's going to make the girls drop their panties for goodness sake! What am I supposed to do when chatting up a breezy pull out my trusty brick and ask if her phone has an RS232 port for me to plug in to so I can send her an ASCII file with my contact information included after I whipe it through an old translator written under Windows mobile 2003, or bust my big bad IPhone on her forehead? (no IPhone doesn't mean something else) hahahaha Who else thinks it would be hot if she actually did have a serial to USB adapter.:) Ok you see my point. There's a total lack of style. I don't mean it has to look like the sited lets be clear it just has to either be so functional you don't care or something jazzy. I do support though fully the accessible consumer devices out there. I am all about the off the shelf cell phone and about to jump off that in to the netbook. Give me a nice super thin braille display with modern GSM / CDMA or better still LTE, a great phone app, great interoperable text messenger, full function web browser, modern I/O including firewire for outboard disks, solid state disk drive, super high res camera (20+ MP) and based on some OS that works with the world and I'll give you ten grand! I will not give you ten grand for windows mobile in a brick! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Hodgson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:29 AM _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Scott, Geo is Sendero anyway, so you are essentially using the same interface. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: Thursday 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
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zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

Right but it's a different wrapper. Geo is better suited for the cell phone type of user and the standard sendero braille note combo seems better for the traditional user. Among my friends there seems to be strong feelings with one interface or the other. I just wanted to notate there were two options all be it one actual GPS engine. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Nutt" <> To: "'Blind sysadmins list'" <> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:40 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an AgreementwithIndependent Living Aids Scott, Geo is Sendero anyway, so you are essentially using the same interface. All the best Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados Sent: Thursday 12 November 2009 15:17 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids Don't bother go with Mobile Geo or Sendero's products running on a device like the Braille note. Personally, I'm a geo guy running Geo on either a Sprint Mogul or Touch Pro. Great maps, no need for a data connection, nice interface, user points of interest that are shared, and easy learning curve. Don't bother with that proprietary blind specific over priced specific device mumbo jumbo and go with something that runs on regular consumer hardware.;) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Watson" <> To: "Blind sysadmins list" <> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement withIndependent Living Aids And I just read a review that said it wasn't that reliable... Voice control was difficult to use in noisy environments. And there was no way just to back up one step in the planning of a route. I'm considering if I should update my streettalk and am interested in feedback on this from anyone who has used it. Currently I have just updated my pacmate and will need to do streettalk if I want to use the omni but that will be around $700 for me so I'm investigating all solutions before spending that money. Thanks Rick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jackie McBride Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 02:14 PM To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Maxi pads says they're offerin it for $499. On 11/9/09, <> wrote:
Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13...
In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Now for the Big Question... How Much?
In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes:
KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products.
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( )
Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US.
Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator
"Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America", says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys' Sales and Marketing Director.
Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, "We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market."
The revolution
§ Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen.
§ The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format.
§ Kapten is more than a GPS. It's a multi-transport navigator.
§ Kapten adapts to the way you get around-on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command.
§ Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones.
About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform.
790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis - France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) >
About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind.
200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848
__http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( )
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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dHBjSWQDOTc1NTU-) (2) Recent Activity: * _New Members_
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zAxMQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjU3NzgzNTc5?o=6) 1 _Visit Your Group_
(;_ylc=X3oDMTJmb2k4ZnYyBF9TAzk3MzU5 NzE0BGdycElkAzEwNjcyOTY4BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzAxMQRzZWMD
dnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNTc3ODM1Nzk-) _Start a New Topic_
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e-mail commands. to go no mail enter, and hit send on the following links. To return, For a complete list of email commands pertaining to the Blind Like Me list just send a blank message to:
_Parenting Zone: Find useful resources for a happy, healthy family and home_
( =groups/S=1705043011:MKP1/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1257790779/L=/B=E.i3J0SO5.k-/J=1257
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_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list
-- Change the world--1 deed at a time Jackie McBride Please join me Saturday, 11/7, on my walk against breast cancer by making a donation at:> _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list

$495 US Stephen A. Guerra Assistive Technology Specialist and Technical Operations Independent Living Aids LLC 200 Robbins Lane Building A, Suite 100 Jericho, NY 11753 Phone: (800) 537-2118-x3817 Direct Fax: (516) 450-3842 Read the All Things ILA Tech Blog Visit Independent Living Aids on the Web Visit Soundbytes on the Web -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:32 AM To:;;;;; Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids Doncha just love it when you ask a question and find out its been crossposted so much that you get 3 rejection notices from groups you don't even know of and a request to join another group!!! Our ILA friend should be slipper slapped by the moderator. If that foot is to dainty to get thru to him, you can bother my size 13... Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 8:20:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: Now for the Big Question... How Much? Mud In a message dated 11/9/2009 6:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, _stephen@independentstephen@in_ ( writes: KAPTEN, the first voice-controlled GPS, will be distributed in the USA through Independent Living Aids, retailer of blind, low vision, and hearing loss products. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://w_ ( ) <__http://www.independhttp://www.ind_ (http://www.independhttp//wwwhtt_) (_http://www.independhttp://wwwhttp_ ( )
The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://www.prwhttp:_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.http://wwhttp://ww_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://ww_ ( ) Jericho, NY ( <__http://www.prweb.http:_ (http://www.prweb.http_/) (_http://www.prweb.http_ ( ) > PRWEB) November 9, 2009 -- Kapsys, an innovative French company and inventor of the first voice-controlled GPS, announces a partnership with Independent Living Aids, one of the largest distributors of products for the blind and visually impaired in the US. This agreement is intended to develop distribution and market share in the United States. Launched in October 2008 in France, Kapten is currently distributed in western European countries such as the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Now, the first voice interactive GPS for smart urbanites will be available for larger networks of distribution in the US. Kapten Personal GPS Voice NavigatorKapten Personal GPS Voice Navigator “Our collaboration with Independent Living Aids sets the path of our development in the US. We are confident that we have the right partner to expand our distribution network in America”, says Marc Tastayre, Kapsys’ Sales and Marketing Director. Irwin Schneidmill, President of ILA says, “We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Kapsys. The Kapten voice-controlled GPS is the most innovative product developed for the blind and low vision community in recent years. We are confident the Kapten will be well received and anticipate tremendous sales in the US market.” The revolution § Kapsys has revolutionized the market by introducing the very first smart urban navigator with no screen. § The ultra-compact Kapten is 100% voice interactive, weighs 50 g and has a credit card format. § Kapten is more than a GPS. It’s a multi-transport navigator. § Kapten adapts to the way you get around—on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, public transportation or car. It automatically adjusts your itinerary and directs you using the navigation mode you choose with a simple voice command. § Kapten is also an MP3 player, an FM radio and a hands-free kit for your mobile phones. About Kapsys Created in 2007 by Aram Hekimian, Kapsys is a young, innovative company based in Southeast France. Kapsys designs, develops and markets voice-centric solutions for personal mobility and navigation. Kapsys launches Kapten, the first voice GPS for smart urbanites featuring: multi transport navigation, geo-tagging, audio guide, MP3 player, FM radio, and community website platform. 790, avenue du Dr Maurice Donat - Le Marco Polo A1, 06 250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis – France / Tel : +33 4 92 28 88 88 / Fax : +33 4 92 28 88 89 / <__http://www.kapsys.http_ (http://www.kapsys.htt_/) (_http://www.kapsys.http_ ( ) > About Independent Living Aids, LLC Independent Living Aids, LLC is the oldest privately-held mail-order company in the United States with products for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. With over 30 years of experience providing essential aids with superb service, ila has become a trusted source of products for this community. All items offered are carefully selected, quality products sold at reasonable prices. Helping customers remain independent is the goal, and every item is chosen with that goal in mind. 200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, New York 11753 (516) 937-1848 ### Link: __http://www.prweb.http://www.http://wwhttp://www.prwhttp_ (http://www.prweb.http//www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_) (_http://www.prweb.http://www.prhttp://www.prwebhttp://w_ ( ) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___ _Reply to sender_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) | _Reply to group_ ( [BlindLikeMe] Kapsys Signs an Agreement with Independent Living Aids) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM3dHZobjA... 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participants (11)
Andrew Hodgson
Angelo Sonnesso
George Bell
Jackie McBride
John G. Heim
Rick Watson
Scott Granados
Stephen Guerra
Steve Nutt