Looking for a tiny battery operated PC.
I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery? It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out. I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right. I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great.
Hi, Are you looking for an actual computer with case or a computer board like the Galileo? Andrew. -----Original Message----- From: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Darragh Ó Héiligh Sent: 08 January 2015 09:31 To: blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Looking for a tiny battery operated PC. I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery? It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out. I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right. I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
Hi, Are you looking for an actual computer with case or a computer board like the Galileo? Andrew. -----Original Message----- From: Blind-sysadmins [mailto:blind-sysadmins-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Darragh Ó Héiligh Sent: 08 January 2015 09:31 To: blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Looking for a tiny battery operated PC. I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery? It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out. I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right. I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great. _______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
Basically what you are fighting against here is power consumption. the Pi isn't amazingly good at this and draws more power than it needs too although the b+ is nicer on the power use as it has a linear regulator. the b+ has 3 USB, audio out and an ethernet. It's unlikely to run Gnome and Orca in 512 megs of ram though. Looking up from this you have the kit from hardkernel.com devices such as the Udroid U3. Power supplied by DC-In jack 5V at 2A, 3 USB, audio out, 2gb ram, EMMC storage and it runs Android or Ubuntu very very fast. Run one of these puppies on one of those Iphone battery packs, I see 30000 milliamp hours from China for $18.75 solar charging with an LED light. http://www.everbuying.com has them. Higher up the scale you want to look at the FitPC range but you are starting to spend over 100 pounds. Hope this helps a bit. Regards, Kerry. On 8/01/2015 5:31 PM, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:
I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery?
It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out.
I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right.
I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
Boy, these would have been great to hook up to and burry next to pay phones. This brings back memories of when I used to hide a TI99 computer next to a pay phone to war dial all night for me.:) On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:49 AM, Kerry Hoath <kerry@ciscovision.org> wrote:
Basically what you are fighting against here is power consumption. the Pi isn't amazingly good at this and draws more power than it needs too although the b+ is nicer on the power use as it has a linear regulator.
the b+ has 3 USB, audio out and an ethernet.
It's unlikely to run Gnome and Orca in 512 megs of ram though.
Looking up from this you have the kit from hardkernel.com devices such as the Udroid U3.
Power supplied by DC-In jack 5V at 2A, 3 USB, audio out, 2gb ram, EMMC storage and it runs Android or Ubuntu very very fast.
Run one of these puppies on one of those Iphone battery packs, I see 30000 milliamp hours from China for $18.75 solar charging with an LED light. http://www.everbuying.com has them.
Higher up the scale you want to look at the FitPC range but you are starting to spend over 100 pounds.
Hope this helps a bit.
Regards, Kerry.
On 8/01/2015 5:31 PM, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:
I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery?
It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out.
I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right.
I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
Hi, Thinking a bit out of the box here, would a rooted Android phone with a USB OTG cable work? Another root may be to pick up a cheap Windows tablet and suplement its battery life with an external battery. Should be doable for under £100. FYI, this http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/compute-stick/intel-compute-stick.htm... device from Intel that has just been announced sounds very interesting. Cheers, Ben. On 1/8/15, Scott Granados <scott@granados-llc.net> wrote:
Boy, these would have been great to hook up to and burry next to pay phones.
This brings back memories of when I used to hide a TI99 computer next to a pay phone to war dial all night for me.:)
On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:49 AM, Kerry Hoath <kerry@ciscovision.org> wrote:
Basically what you are fighting against here is power consumption. the Pi isn't amazingly good at this and draws more power than it needs too although the b+ is nicer on the power use as it has a linear regulator.
the b+ has 3 USB, audio out and an ethernet.
It's unlikely to run Gnome and Orca in 512 megs of ram though.
Looking up from this you have the kit from hardkernel.com devices such as the Udroid U3.
Power supplied by DC-In jack 5V at 2A, 3 USB, audio out, 2gb ram, EMMC storage and it runs Android or Ubuntu very very fast.
Run one of these puppies on one of those Iphone battery packs, I see 30000 milliamp hours from China for $18.75 solar charging with an LED light. http://www.everbuying.com has them.
Higher up the scale you want to look at the FitPC range but you are starting to spend over 100 pounds.
Hope this helps a bit.
Regards, Kerry.
On 8/01/2015 5:31 PM, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:
I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery?
It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out.
I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right.
I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
Hi, Thinking a bit out of the box here, would a rooted Android phone with a USB OTG cable work? Another root may be to pick up a cheap Windows tablet and suplement its battery life with an external battery. Should be doable for under £100. FYI, this http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/compute-stick/intel-compute-stick.htm... device from Intel that has just been announced sounds very interesting. Cheers, Ben. On 1/8/15, Scott Granados <scott@granados-llc.net> wrote:
Boy, these would have been great to hook up to and burry next to pay phones.
This brings back memories of when I used to hide a TI99 computer next to a pay phone to war dial all night for me.:)
On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:49 AM, Kerry Hoath <kerry@ciscovision.org> wrote:
Basically what you are fighting against here is power consumption. the Pi isn't amazingly good at this and draws more power than it needs too although the b+ is nicer on the power use as it has a linear regulator.
the b+ has 3 USB, audio out and an ethernet.
It's unlikely to run Gnome and Orca in 512 megs of ram though.
Looking up from this you have the kit from hardkernel.com devices such as the Udroid U3.
Power supplied by DC-In jack 5V at 2A, 3 USB, audio out, 2gb ram, EMMC storage and it runs Android or Ubuntu very very fast.
Run one of these puppies on one of those Iphone battery packs, I see 30000 milliamp hours from China for $18.75 solar charging with an LED light. http://www.everbuying.com has them.
Higher up the scale you want to look at the FitPC range but you are starting to spend over 100 pounds.
Hope this helps a bit.
Regards, Kerry.
On 8/01/2015 5:31 PM, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:
I'm working on a really tiny battery operated project at the moment. Anyone know of a PC that is about the size of a raspberry pi that can run for about eight hours on a battery?
It doesn't need to have network or video out. It needs two USB and 1 audio out.
I could build one using a Raspberry pi but I'd need someone with a 3D printer to get the case right.
I don't particularly mind if it runs Windows or Linux but if it's Linux, enough power to run Gnome and Orca would be great.
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
_______________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list Blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org https://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/blind-sysadmins
participants (5)
Andrew Hodgson
Ben Mustill-Rose
Darragh Ó Héiligh
Kerry Hoath
Scott Granados