Hi all: A few weeks ago I asked about the accessibility of SCCM 2007. Well in case anyone's interested, I've had the last week to mess around with it, and the good news is that its very accessible, just the standard MMC treeview/listview structure. The one problem I've found accessibilitywise is that there are a lot of unlabled buttons, the type you tab to and your screen reader just says "button." There is no text lables, and even sighted SCCM admins get frustrated over these because they have no way of knowing what the icons represent. So others share the paine, but still naughty naughty Microsoft. The other thing to note as that the app is extremely slow. Its one of the slowest MMC apps I've seen. Running the Configuration Manager console on the SCCM server itself, you need to wait two or three seconds after down arrowing through the tree view before the view refreshes and you can continue moving. I'm not enough of an SCCM expert to know why, but I do know the console talks directly to the backend SQL database and not to the SCCM server, so perhaps pulling info out of SQL is slow. I wouldn't think so but hey. So for screen reader users, you hit your down arrow, and your screen reader may read the wrong item. You need to down arrow, wait a few seconds, then hit your read current command, I'm familiar with Window-Eyes so for that product I use speak summary. You need to also watch expanding and collapsing brantches in the tree, because sometimes you'll hit right arrow to expand a branch, then down arrow to go into the branch you just expanded, accept the branch hasn't expanded yet so you will be further down in the tree than you think, hopefully that makes sense. So, keyboard navigation is frustrating, but doable if you are just very slow about it. I can't wait to run this app over our company's WAN (that's sarcasm right there.) I'm stil learning the product, so there are likely faster ways to get around I don't know about yet. And my current project is to see how difficult it will be to distribute Window-Eyes using SCCM, so far looks relatively easy, for an SCCM admin. Ryan
participants (1)
Ryan Shugart