I use open ssh for windows to admin our linux servers. Openssh runs in a windows command window like Windows DOS. But I always had problems with it when running a curses program like the linux kernel config program or debconf. But I accidently discovered last night that nvda works really well in a command window in full screen mode. Jaws doesn't work at all in a command window in full screen mode. But nvda works really well. You don't have to have openssh to try it yourself. Start nvda, open a command window and pressalt+enter. That will put the command window in full screen mode. You'll still be able to hear nvda. If you try it with jaws (at least as of jaws 9), all you'll get is the key echo. When I discovered this last night, I sshed to my linux server at home and went into the kernel configuration program. It was pretty nice. Then I reconfigured exim4 via debconf. So it worked really well. Best Windows terminal emulation I'm aware of. And free too, of course.
participants (1)
John G. Heim