Hello everyone. I wonder if any user of the Plextalk Pocket can help me solve a problem. I am the producer of a couple of magazines, which I produce for an organisation on a memory stick. I first record the magazine on the Plextalk Pocket, and then copy it on to a memory stick via my computer. On the most recent edition, I pressed a wrong button on something, and used an expletive. I immediately deleted the expletive from the S D card on the Plextalk Pocket, and sure enough, when I play the card back, there is no sign of the offending word. However, the word has gone out on the memory stick copy. When I copy the magazine from card to memory stick, I copy the unit as a folder. I presume that in copying the folder, the deleted word has been reinstated as the folder holds a record of it. However, other things which I delete from the magazine seem to be left deleted. Answers would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Peter Wilkins