Hi Will I still think that you should call audible. It doesn't matter that it is a blind device. When you sign in to audible without amazon you get one file type and when you sign in using amazon you get a different type. All audible books are copyright and restricted to the account that buys them. Admitedly some allow you to write them to cd using itunes but even then you have to enter your username and password to write them. If your username and password was different before you joined amazon and when you activated your plextic, then it wouldnt play the amazon ones anyway to my knowledge so I would phone them, they are quite helpful usually. Here is the number that I have used in the past, unless it's changed. For customer service please call: 0800 08 25 100 or +44 (0)20 8747 2960 Mon: 10am to 6pm Tue: 10.30am to 6pm Wed: 10am to 8pm Thu: 10am to 6pm Fri: 10am to 6pm Sat: 10am to 2pm Sun: CLOSED Let me know how you get on, I am sure it's something silly. Actually, there is one other thing, they have brought out new files that give better quality and perhaps there is one that the plextic does not handle. If that is the case, having bought the book you can go into your library and download it again in a different format. all the best cliff