Hi Frank, Thanks for that. I believe I have a Sony Electret Condenser (ECM) 219, which is clip-on to your belt or collar, and stereo. It's quite good, and 1 AAA (pen-sized Duracell battery-powered. (BTW, does the static you experience by any chance have to do with the failing battery? In that case, you would put in a new one, or have somebody put in a new one (since it may not always be straightforward to do). But I'm thinking there would be mikes with more power than the above, and that'd give good - perhaps stereo - audio as well. I have a good, older, ECM909 that went well with a sony Walkman pro tape-recorder; but it's not as good on the plexTalk. I also have another mic, broadcast quality good, but not self- or battery-powered, which again worked very well with a Sony Walkman professional cassette recorder, dependent upon the power of the machine or aplifier to drive it, and the plexTalk Pocket doesn't drive it at all. ----- Original Message ----- From: "frank cuta" <cuta@bentonrea.com> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 10:05 PM Subject: [Plextalk] microphones
Sorry, I forgot to change the subject on my last reply. Frank
Lets talk about microphones.
No one has responded to this question because it's a huge subject. I advise you join the PC audio list and listen to them discuss what is currently most popular.
I have had several of the little Sony electret microphones over the years that just connect directly to the recorder without a cord. I have also used corded microphones in the ECM family. They all seem to develop the static noise problem eventually. I have never resolved this problem or met anyone who has. But I do not think it is resolved by cleaning. If someone knows how to correct this noise problem please let us all know.
The principle advantage of these little microphones is convenience. All professional microphones are corded and use a standard XLR microphone connector. Guitar center or a local music shop can sell you an adaptor cable to convert from the stereo mini jack on the plextalk to a pair of XLR connectors. This cord will probably cost about $24.
Once you go to an external professional corded microphone you then need to be concerned about how you are going to support it. Microphone stands come in all shapes and sizes but in general they are heavy and not very portable. They not only support the microphone so that you can have your hands free to play an instrument but they also eliminate handling noise.
There are many good books and internet articles on microphone selection and the variety of shapes, sizes and functional types will make your head spin. Basically I like to talk to performers who play the kinds of instruments that I like to record and ask for suggestions. I do professional sound and have purchased a large number of them over the yearsbut I have no favorites except for the condensers that cost over $800 and they cannot be used on the Plextalk without a mixer to supply them with external power. Two exceptions are the Audio Tecnica AT31 and the AKG1000. These are both in the $200 range and offer the alternative of running from an internal AA battery.
There are many many very good dynamic microphones in the $100 to $200 range and the advantage of this technology is that they do not require any external power. I use mostly Shure beta 57 and 58 models for live sound recording of folk music. If you are recording piano or orchestra or are concerned about capturing the natural sound of an instrument stick with the condensers.
I am looking for the same thing. I was told to go to Guitar Center. Pam.
-----Original Message-----
From: Flor Lynch Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:13 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow'on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads!
I would not be in favour of such a rule amendment. It could be used to ban or stymie discussion of any sales or purchases of PlexTalk products between individual users. The product being advertised in this thread is a 'listener / audio enhancement' to the PlexTalk.
This list is generally low traffic enough. I asked a question last Sunday, and indeed asked it several months ago, in its own thread, but to date have not received any answers. I (find it hard to believe that nobody has used an external microphone with their PlexTalk while recording with it.) (I'm looking for a good microphone to use with the plexTalk Pocket. I have one that works, an ECM209 - as used with Minidisc recorders,but think I could possibly have better.) ----- Original Message -----
From: "frank cuta" <cuta@bentonrea.com> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:06 AM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow'on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads!
I would be in favor of a list rule that allows reviews of products and services by list members but does not allow direct sales by vendors (even nice ones).
Frank Cuta
-----Original Message-----
From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Laz Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:44 AM To: plextalk Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow' on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads!
Glad to hear that you're not having issues with bees or ants for that matter, Jamie. However unless you suffer from OCD, I don't see anyone twisting your arm to read my message and not use the delete key when you run upon it and were the only one to post an off topic reply to my message to the group.
The devices that I informed the subscribers about work with the PlexTalk players and allow one to use them wirelessly. Why shouldn't I inform them? Did you ever think that perhaps they're not as well informed as you on the subject of Bluetooth devices and their possible use with their PlexTalk players?
So unless you're the owner or moderator of this group, I think the group can make use with a little less of you trying to be the list cop and leave that up to the actual owner or moderator. As I stated in my previous message, I will abide by what the owner or moderator determines. Can you?
Thank you very much.
From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <jamie.cuthbertson@ntlworld.com> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow' on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads! Message-ID: <000c01cf77f9$d1286040$737920c0$@ntlworld.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello Laz,
It is nothing to do with bees in my bonnet or even ants in my pants, this is simply a request that you keep post on topic for this list.
This list is supposed to be about Plextalk players and, whilst I fully acknowledge that your products may well be of interest to some list subscribers, it is not normal practice for commercial companies to use a list of this sort to advertise products. My dear fellow, it is simply a matter of good manners, that's all.
Now off to do some fervent debugging of my bonnet and pants!!
Have a thoroughly delicious weekend!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Laz Sent: 24 May 2014 19:38 To: plextalk Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow' on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads!
I don't know what bee got into your bonnet, Jamie but perhaps there are some folks on this list who would like to get into using their players wirelessly with Bluetooth speakers or headsets. If you don't care for the post, please exercise your right to delete the message.
As for me, I'll go along with whatever the list owner or moderator says.
From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <jamie.cuthbertson@ntlworld.com> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" ? ? ? ? <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code ? ? ? ? 'wow' ? on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads! Message-ID: <000301cf777a$478bbf50$d6a33df0$@ntlworld.com> Content-Type: text/plain; ? ? ? charset="us-ascii"
Hi Laz,
I appreciate that you are trying to get to your target market but this really has nothing to do with Plextalk players. ?I think you've had a good run at the cheap advertising but come on, there has to be a point at which you draw the line!
Mr Moderator, please step in on this!
-----Original Message-----
From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Laz Sent: 24 May 2014 16:51 To: plextalk Subject: [Plextalk] Save Big on Orders over $100 with Coupon Code 'wow' on Talkingmp3Players.com! Audio downloads!
Hello all,
This week, we're going to give you 10% off any orders totaling $100 or more. Just apply the coupon code: 'wow' on your order if it totals $100 or more, and you save 10%! This goes for any items on our site; Bluetooth devices, accessories, phones, etc, or any combination thereof! See our specials page for more details: http://www.talkingmp3players.com/specials.html
It can't be $99.99, it has to be $100 or more, but for example you could get the new Miccus Pool Party Speakers and a Miccus TX to enable your player or other audio device with a headphone jack ?to use Bluetooth, and save 10% off the total.
There are plenty of great opportunities and possibilities with this offer. Act now with 'wow!' This coupon code expires May 29th at Midnight! This is also available when you phone your orders in.
We also have many new accessories that work with many of your other devices including Miccus Pool Party Bluetooth Speakers with audible sound when turned on and paired, plus easy tactile buttons, Bluetooth Transmitters and receivers to enable your players to use Bluetooth as well as several new Bluetooth products such as headsets and speakers. Visit our accessories page to see what we have to offer: http://www.talkingmp3players.com/accessories.html Now broken down into categories making it easier to find the accessory you want.
Here is my audio demonstration of the Miccus Pool Party Bluetooth speakers using my Talking Mp3 Player to connect to it via Bluetooth: http://www.wuala.com/TalkingMP3Players/Tutorials/Miccus%20Pool%20Party%20Blu etooth%20Speakers.mp3/
We offer free friendly tech support, free shipping in the US, and greatly discounted quality international shipping!
Get 6 months to pay with No Interest on orders over $99 when you check out with PayPal and choose Bill Me Later!(subject to credit approval)
All prices are in US dollars. We accept major credit cards and PayPal on line, or you can call call_skype_logo727-498-0121 or Skype lazmesa to place your credit card order or have a Paypal payment request sent to you.
Your questions are always welcome.
All the best!
Laz Mesa Accessible Electronics The home of the affordable Talking MP3 Players since 2009! Based in the US
-- Talking MP3 Players with stereo FM radio, voice recording, and expandible memory! Priced under $100, plus free shipping in the US!
Listen to our Introduction to Talking MP3 Players: http://www.blind-geek-zone.net/an-introduction-to-talking-mp3-players/
See our current special: http://www.talkingmp3players.com/specials.html
Join our mailing list by sending a blank email with the word subscribe as the subject to: tmp-request@freelists.org
Email: laz@talkingmp3players.com Skype: lazmesa Phone: 727 498-0121 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Talkingmp3players?_rdr Personal Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/laz.mesa
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