Intresting, and why is that? Just to come back to an earlier comment I made, if you look at how the old ptn1 were, and you look at how the pocket was before this hole thing started with aph, then there was much less features so I guess that is why I said that its because of aph that pocket now also can create text files and have timejumps and so on. Wich make me wonder what wil plextalk really be willing to do out of there own? I mean the ptn2 is a nice player but stil yet not much is happening there. The last update 3.7 was quite boring, but stil a little useful but I just wonder. I was not aware of the brf issue. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Russ Kiehne" <wb6niu@141.com> To: "Plextalk User Discussion List" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 2:45 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability It's also my understanding APh is the reason we can't read brf files on the Plextalk Pocket. -----Original Message----- From: Aidan Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:39 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability Wel, it mite be tru for them, but I think that is a problem from aph, I don't like it because they have done that with the BraillePlus, where they use the same hardware as the Icon. and now the same with the bookport, and with the old bookport they used the hardware from springer design company wich made BookCourier. It rather seem to me that aph is to lazy to make there own hardware. Its much less work to just take an existing firmware, and customise it and build it into the same hardware and ask the same price or more. They have great programmers and so they could easily make there own product from the ground up. The same with bookport desktop, it use the hardware of the ptx player, I think, maybe with a few changes and the plextalk firmware wich were customised again and the only better thing about it is that it uses a human voice. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Russ Kiehne" <wb6niu@141.com> To: "Plextalk User Discussion List" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:09 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability I saw the following message on another list: So, why did Shinano Kenshi decide to license their hardware to APH for the Book Port Plus? Was the buzz surrounding the Book Port name too strong for Shinano Kenshi to ignore? In my opinion, the demand for the Pocket was on a steady decrease and Shinano Kenshi made a good business decision. -----Original Message----- From: Aidan Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:44 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability Yes, you have a point there. Its just not always possible to take it everywhere and that is where the pocket comes in handy. I hope they would, since it will be a bit difficult to get the bookport as we don't really have a proper dealer here. I just wonder, if plextalk didn't start working along with aph, would the pocket stil have so many features like it have today? I hope that the ptn2 wil also get more features. Its a bit behind and a bit slow in key responses. ----- Original Message ----- From: "André van Deventer" <andredbsa@webafrica.org.za> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:35 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability
Wonder if Plextalk will also then come out with a new desktop version?
I would not really consider the ptr2 a desktop player at all. You get a pouch in which you can carry the thing along to your heart's content.
-----Original Message----- From: plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Sent: 30 May 2012 05:26 PM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability
Wel, some models have 2 stereo microphones, and some even have a third omni directional mic wich you can switch on and off. It is maybe necessary to state that for most people the pocket or something underneeth that would be suited, but for real good recordings and for having as much control over the recording as possible something like zoom or olympus is needed. Those mics are very cencitive and they chrisstal clear. You don't even need a noise filter. They have a low cut filter and limmiter and compressor, depending on the model. And the latest model have line in and also do multi track recording, wich is very important for people like myself who do music. Yes the pocket record in wave, but sometimes you want above cd quality, and olympus can go up to 24/96 khz. I understand why the pocket have the settings it have, its not ment to be such a recorder but maybe a better mic wil do, and yes stereo wil help, but it must be a better type otherwise no difference. But its tru that the manual level control is great, and the level monitor also, although I don't always need it since I can here when it suit my requirements. The bookport desktop sound more like a modern version of the ptr2.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Russ Kiehne" <wb6niu@141.com> To: "Plextalk User Discussion List" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 4:18 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability
What do you like about the olympus over the Pocket for recording?
-----Original Message----- From: Aidan Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:10 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability Yes, I just think that the build in mic should be able to handle more pressure, and it need a much better noise filter, but for line or external
mic its the best among our players. But I stil use olympus for excelant recordings, but those are mainstream so maybe not to much fitted here.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Russ Kiehne" <wb6niu@141.com> To: "Plextalk User Discussion List" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:53 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability
I agree, when it comes to recording, nothing beats the Pocket.
-----Original Message----- From: stever2525 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:39 PM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: [Plextalk] PlexPocket's recording capability
There is a lot of competition about which players people prefer, but the main reason I have the Plex Pocket is it's recording capabilities. I use the line- in recording. I purchased the PTR1 in 2003, which I used almost everyday. I recently got the Plex pocket and am equally happy with it's recording capability.
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