Hi again Aidan,
OK, I don't know for sure if I am answering your questions and it's been a long time since I last checked my facts but I'll give it a try....
The .IMTD files are intermediate files and are really only required during the editing process and that's why, if you choose to burn a Distribution CD, you should find that the IMTD files are not included on the CD. If you choose to burn a Master CD, the files will be included in case you choose to do further editing or work on the project at a later stage.
In terms of what happens when you do an audio export, there may well be audio files with the same names but, if you have done a lot of editing with cutting and pasting, the audio file content will be completely different from before running the audio export. I'll try to explain....
Imagine that you do a recording and, when you finish the basic process,
project has 4 audio files called A0001.MP3 up to A0004.MP3. You then decide to do a lot of editing involving chopping out bits of audio completely or moving clips of audio around in the structure of the project to get it just the way you want. You now build your book and can play it on external DAISY players. At this stage, the audio files will be exactly the same audio files as you originally recorded. The reason that the title plays the way you have edited it is because the HTML files and the SMIL files are able to tell the player which pieces of which audio file to play and the timings for doing this - it is not simply playing the audio files from start to finish
If you really want a nice clean project and output files, it is always best to run an audio export when the editing is finished because the process collects all the edits and creates completely new audio files which are made up according to how you want the project to sound when played. When this is done, you will get a new audio file for each section within your project. The nice thing about this is that you can then lift the audio files out of the DAISY structure, for playback on perhaps a standard MP3 player, and
files should sound correct and not be just the originally recorded audio files. If you don't run an audio export, the audio files will just be your original recordings without any editing appearing to have been done - this is because without the HTML and SMIL files, a player knows nothing about the edits that you have done. The audio files will also, in this case, be named in the same way i.e. "A0001.MP3" and upwards depending on how many
Hi again Aidan, When you record onto a CF card on the PTR2, and subsequently choose to dispose of unwanted audio files, I think I'm correct in saying that it only disposes of audio files that are not referenced at all by the edited project. If any part of an audio file is still required in the project, the entire audio file is retained. In other words, the process of disposing of these audio files is certainly not equivalent to running an audio export using the PRS software. To my knowledge, the only way to have audio files that exactly match the final edited audio in each section of a project is to perform the Audio Export function in the PRS software - there is no way of doing this on the hardware players. As far as I know, you are correct about the build book process being part of the finalising of the CD. If you have recorded a title onto the CF card, I don't think there is any equivalent that can be used to prepare the project for playback on another device - I think the hardware Build Book process came in in later players. If this is correct, I think the only way to finish off a project recorded on a CF card is to either take it over to PRS. In any case, for the reasons given before, this is a good plan anyway to use the PRS and to perform an Audio Export if you want an end product which is playable on the largest possible number of devices. Regards, Jamie -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Maher Sent: 13 November 2012 16:13 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Burning cd's with prs Hi, thank you very much. You are one of the most helpfull people I've ever delt with. I really appreciate that. Defnitly werth playing furder and think about it. Just one last thing then, how does the ptr2 handle these files, because unlike the newer players it does not have a build book option as far as I noes. Yes when doing a cd you can finalize it, and then probibly the necessary ajustments will be made, but if you only record and edit a title on cf card and you want to use it on other players how would you then go about it? Or will the ptr2 make the ajustments if you choose to remove unnecessary audio from the media management menu? On 13/11/2012, Jamie Cuthbertson <jamie.cuthbertson@ntlworld.com> wrote: the the sections
there are.
I hope this makes some sense. Get back to me if you want any further explanation.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Maher Sent: 13 November 2012 09:29 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] Burning cd's with prs
Hi, thank you very much, this make sense and now I learn something new. I appreciate that. But now, the other thing that I wunder, is that when I am done with my project, and lets say I won't use it on cd, why does the project ncc.imd file along with a few others remain there. I mean shouldn't they make a way to get rid of those because if I want to use it on another player by only copying it to the player, then it take up more space and those files are not needed anymore because the books are already builded. They said in the manual if you export the project audio to a new project, it will also remove unnecessary audio or other files perhaps also, but I found after I run it, that I stil see those project files and also "medda data.ini" so it seems those files only get removed when burnig the distrubution copy on cd. It wil stay on the master copy if you select to burn it that way. Hope I make sense.
On 12/11/2012, Jamie Cuthbertson <jamie.cuthbertson@ntlworld.com> wrote:
Hi Aidan,
The two files have fundamentally different roles.
The NCC.HTML file is essentially like the table of contents of the title and has links to the main features like the headings etc.
The DISCINFO.HTML file is used by players accessing the CD to find where the DAISY titles are stored. This is particularly important when there are more than one title on a single disc. For example, if you have titles in Folder1, Folder2 and Folder3, the DISCINFO.HTML file will pass this information to the player so it can identify where to find the NCC.HTML and all the other files for each title. If there is only one title on a CD and all the files are in the root directory, the DISCINFO.HTML file becomes less necessary.
Until you run the burning process, there is no requirement for a DOISCINFO.HTML file because you can only work on one DAISY title at a time with the PRS software and you locate the NCC file manually when you are loading a project for editing.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Maher Sent: 12 November 2012 13:13 To: plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org Subject: [Plextalk] Burning cd's with prs
Hi all, I have burned a project with prs, and I chose to burn it as a distrubution copy. So now, why is it that the project only contain an "ncc.html" file after building the book, but when burning the cd, both the "ncc.html" and also the "disinfo.html" file also are created. I thought its only one of the too wich get used at a time, or are the disinfo file only for cd's? Thank you for any help on this.
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