O, boy, I was planning on deleting item 5, but instead I nuked item 1. I thought I had highlighted item 5 but then as I went in media management, it seemed to find its way back to the first item? As the woman inquired of whether I wanted to delete, I must have been confused among select-and-cancel? It nuked the wrong item, but since I mostly record Live News-Programming, I really would like it back. If you don't have something like a recycle bin, could I put the card in my Linux machine--and-run recovery software based on an ex2 or ex3 file system? Maybe 16months or so I have both a Plex-and-BPP, but as long as I just punch a record button, pause, and stop, I'm ok, but much of the navagation seems not at all intuitive! At times it reminds me of windows explorer, but worse. Next, I suppose there are no ways on the unit to re-arange titles, or really re-record a title? At times I am trying to switch over to recording on these units, but goophups like this are probably more errors than I've ever had on an open-reel machine in 43years. I think it would be more helpful to re-arange the prompting for deletions, so that maybe an involved title is mention nearer to the beginning, which would be lots easier to comprehend. Thanks so much in advance for any-and-all insites Hart