From the Plextalk pocket faq: Q.6-2 Do I need to apply registrations or authorizations in order to download NLS books and play them on my Pocket? A.6-2
But you don't really need those folders to transfer files. It just makes it kind of neater I found. -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Russ Kiehne Sent: 27 June 2012 04:42 PM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] plextalk No, the plextalk pocket will not create folders when you incert an sd card. The plextalk transfer software will create the folders needed by the plextalk pocket when connected to the computer. -----Original Message----- From: Otto Zamora Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:17 AM To: 'Plextalk User Discussion List' Subject: Re: [Plextalk] plextalk Morning, Can you tell me what happens when you first put in a blank SD card into the machine??? Does it create folders, or must the user do that??? Thank you. Otto -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Russ Kiehne Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 10:28 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] plextalk 1. Select PLEXTALK Pocket on NLS BARD service for authorization Case 1: For a person who does not have a username nor password of NLS BARD service: You have to get a username and password to login and access to NLS BARD service web site. First please go to the following web site. https://nlsbard.loc.gov/ On this page, please select and jump to the link for the 'BARD application instructions' . If you have confirmed you qualify, please select the 'link to the BARD application form' on this page and you will move to this form page. On that form page, please select the library you are affiliated with from a dropdown box on this page then press or select Submit button, and you will move to another page. On that page, please enter necessary information for the application then please press or select the Submit button, and you will move to the page to select your player. On this page, please select PLEXTALK Pocket from the player list. Finally you will be approved. After that your username and password will be delivered by email from NLS. If there is a problem, you will receive a message explaining the problem. Case 2: For a person who have got a username and password of NLS BARD service: Please go to the following web page. https://nlsbard.loc.gov/ On that page, please input your username and password and log in to NLS BARD service. On the following page, please select 'Account Settings' and register your PLEXTALK Pocket. Note: Some of your personal information will be sent and shared by us to be used only for key generation process. 2. You will be contacted by us to start the key generation process. NLS will notify us that your PLEXTALK Pocket has been registered. After that, we will send email to you to ask for the serial number of your PLEXTALK Pocket. The serial number is needed to generate a unique key only for your Pocket. Please send email with the serial number, your name and so on.You can find the serial number of your Pocket by pressing the Menu Key on your device, choose 'System settings' and then 'System properties'. The 12-digit serial number is announced after the system version. This System properties will be announced repeatedly. Even if you have missed to note it down, please keep announcing it and note it carefully. If you want to stop announcing, please press the Menu key.The serial number is also be printed on the label on the inside of the battery housing. Key will be delivered to you Once we have received email with the serial number, we will generate a key file and send it to you as a file attached to email. This email will tell you how to install the key. After the key installation, PLEXTALK Pocket will be able to play NLS books, magazines, newspapers you have got from NLS BARD service and transfer to the SD card on your PLEXTALK Pocket. Also you will be play books on NLS cartridge. -----Original Message----- From: Aidan Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 4:42 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] plextalk Wel, I guess you should contact NLS to get started. I'm not sure about the hole process as I'm not having those services available to me, but it should be quite strait forward. Don't worry this list is quiet at times. Irti is great and they could give you more clear directions if needed, I'm not sure if you have to contact plextalk for the key to be send to you. Goodluck. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Otto Zamora" <donttreadonme@bellsouth.net> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:29 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] plextalk
Glad to finally se a post on this list, thought maybe that I had messed thing up and never subscribed. Having said that, when purchasing a plextalk, where does the authorization key which is necessary to read NLS books come from?? Does it come from Freedom Scientific or IRTI, or the actual company which makes the unit?? I am attending the ACB convention long enough to look at and buy a plextalk, but know I must have a key before I can put NLS books on the machine. Thank you very much for all of the help and effort in advance. Otto
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 4:30 AM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: plextalk
Wel, if you go to media management and press on delete, it won't just ask if you sure you want to delete, but also announce the file name, and in the case of a daisy recording it will play the first fraze, so maybe you were a bit quick when pressing enter before the tts could announce the file name. Unfortunetly the pocket is a bit slower than the BookPort.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Hart Larry" <chime@hubert-humphrey.com> To: <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:22 AM Subject: [Plextalk] Can I Restore a File?
O, boy, I was planning on deleting item 5, but instead I nuked item 1. I thought I had highlighted item 5 but then as I went in media management, it seemed to find its way back to the first item? As the woman inquired of whether I wanted to delete, I must have been confused among select-and-cancel? It nuked the wrong item, but since I mostly record Live
News-Programming, I really would like it back. If you don't have something like a recycle bin, could I put the card in my Linux machine--and-run recovery software based on an ex2 or ex3 file system? Maybe 16months or so I have both a Plex-and-BPP, but as long as I just punch a record button, pause, and stop, I'm ok, but much of the navagation
seems not at all intuitive! At times it reminds me of windows explorer, but worse. Next, I suppose there are no ways on the unit to re-arange titles, or really re-record a title? At times I am trying to switch over to recording on these units, but goophups like this are probably more errors than I've ever had on an open-reel machine in 43years. I think it would be more helpful to re-arange the prompting for deletions,
so that maybe an involved title is mention nearer to the beginning, which
would be lots easier to comprehend. Thanks so much in advance for any-and-all insites Hart
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