Ok, mr. anonymous (could it be Maheen?) LOL! This is just more natter. Please show us real links where these half prices can be gotten. I knew you wouldn't be able to find links for the false claims in your natter. And no, you won't find the Pool Party Speakers anywhere because Miccus and Accessible Electronics have been doing very good business together and they decided to let us debut them before anyone else got a chance to even find out about them. You failed miserably to come back with any links for the devices I asked you about; the Pool Party Speakers and the other Miccus devices. But thanks for helping to make our company a household word in the visually impaired and blind community! We appreciate your efforts and natter that can't be backed up with real links but which does provide us with more mentions of our business and exposure to some who wouldn't have seen my one message on the list. Show me the money Maheen, provide the links or just eat crow for speakingyour falsehoods on this list. LOL! Laz From: KB7UEN Gene <kb7uengene@gmail.com> To: Plextalk User Discussion List <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: Re: [Plextalk] New Audio Demo & info about New Bluetooth Speakers, discounts on all Bluetooth devices! Message-ID: <01A73D66-C3D6-43DD-8237-12C7CFDF5D17@gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii All people have to do is shop around online or in the stores. And I can go to Kmart and get less than half price on that one zip up speaker for $10. Also I checked the Miccus website and the speaker wasn't even on there.
From KB7UEN Gene
They say life is stranger than fiction, be that as it may, read anyway. On May 5, 2014, at 11:02 AM, Laz <laz@talkingmp3players.com> wrote: To KB7UEN, Thanks for keeping the topic open, that always helps our business. I'd just like to ask you to post your proof. Where can you get these same Bluetooth speakers for half the price? What about the Miccus devices, can you post where these can be gotten for half the price? The prices I'm offering are below the MSRP and on top of that, I'm offering coupon codes to save from $10 to $30. I know you're just putting out natter but thought you should back it up with proof is all. After all, one of the listers may want to pick them up for half the price I'm advertising... Dont you want to help out your fellow listers or are you just about the natter? And to disspell any disparaging comments about our business, take a listen to what our customers have to say about us: https://www.wuala.com/TalkingMP3Players/Tutorials/Customer%20testimonials%20... unlike you, I'll sign my post. Regards, Laz From: KB7UEN Gene <kb7uengene@gmail.com> To: Plextalk User Discussion List <plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: Re: [Plextalk] New Audio Demo & info about New Bluetooth Speakers, discounts on all Bluetooth devices! Message-ID: <ED715864-509A-42A5-AB9A-C84065867CB3@gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 To everyone on the list, I avoid this guy because he's charging double what you'd pay elsewhere. And to the person who is selling this stuff, go out and get a regular job instead of trying to make fast money by gouging other blind people. They say life is stranger than fiction, be that as it may, read anyway. -- Talking MP3 Players with stereo FM radio, voice recording, and expandible memory! Priced under $100, plus free shipping in the US! Listen to our Introduction to Talking MP3 Players: http://www.blind-geek-zone.net/an-introduction-to-talking-mp3-players/ See our current special: http://www.talkingmp3players.com/specials.html Join our mailing list by sending a blank email with the word subscribe as the subject to: tmp-request@freelists.org Email: laz@talkingmp3players.com Skype: lazmesa Phone: call_skype_logo727 498-0121 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Talkingmp3players?_rdr Personal Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/laz.mesa -- Talking MP3 Players with stereo FM radio, voice recording, and expandible memory! Priced under $100, plus free shipping in the US! Listen to our Introduction to Talking MP3 Players: http://www.blind-geek-zone.net/an-introduction-to-talking-mp3-players/ See our current special: http://www.talkingmp3players.com/specials.html Join our mailing list by sending a blank email with the word subscribe as the subject to: tmp-request@freelists.org Email: laz@talkingmp3players.com Skype: lazmesa Phone: 727 498-0121 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Talkingmp3players?_rdr Personal Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/laz.mesa