Hi, what you need to understand is that in prs, you move by frazes mostly. So, if you move to sections and you want the words section 1 introduction to be included in the fraze where your section start, then if its not there you need to join the frazes together. if you delete the click, then if there is to much silence after and before the words you spoke when you created the heading, ptp1 will make more frazes wich can contain your breeving, or just noise or whatever. So you need to select the frazes in the fraze list with shift down errow, wich contain the words "section1 introduction" and then press control plus m to join them, then prs will ask if you sure, then press enter. Hope this helps. On 29/09/2012, william lomas <will.d.lomas@gmail.com> wrote:
if i remove the click though shoudln't section by section read the name of the heading i speak in to the mike after the click if that makes sense? so say if i press go to and say the word section 1 introduction. when i go to sections i hear click, nothing else. i thought the heading or the section would read automatically? new to PRS
On 29 Sep 2012, at 17:40, Aidan Maher <aidan.smarttalk@gmail.com> wrote:
Wel, then what you must do is find the section and when you here the click, then press tab to get to the fraze list, and down errow from there and you should here the name, but remember that you can also join frazes if you want the click and the name to be in the same fraze. Its all under your control and very flexible.
On 29/09/2012, william lomas <will.d.lomas@gmail.com> wrote:
hello thanks for this. that's what i do though i press my go to key and say a heading name in to the mike but when i go through sections in PRS i only hear the click as i arrow up and down, very odd
On 29 Sep 2012, at 17:24, Aidan Maher <aidan.smarttalk@gmail.com> wrote:
O, ok, you here the click because the build in mic pick it up, you can delete the clicks by deleting the actual fraze that contain the click sound from within prs. That is one of the things where I think that ptp1 fales terribly. They shouldn't put the build in mic so close to the record key and go to keys. You don't here the heading number, because you here it only when you insert it into the recording, because ptp1 confirm that you have inserted a heading marker, but when you view them in prs, it won't announce the heading number as you move fru it, because the software only displays the sections and frazes, no actual action has ben taken at that point. I think you can stil here the heading number with prs by pressing a keystroak. I forgot the keystroak, try f9. But I can check that for you. You can also announce a name for each heading after you press the go to key wile recording, this way then when you move fru them in prs you can easily loacate them. Also, I would strongly advice you to use marks if you have a long list of sections and frazes.
On 29/09/2012, william lomas <will.d.lomas@gmail.com> wrote:
by the click i mean say if i am recording something and press the go to key for the heading insertion the "click" as I press that is inserted in to the recording. yet when i import this in to the software and move by section i hear the clicks but not the name of the heading
On 29 Sep 2012, at 17:08, Aidan Maher <aidan.smarttalk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, yes the firmware is being worked on at this stage for sure. We don't no when the next update will be but there are plans. Plextalk are generally quite lazy when it comes to updates. They like to do a few and then stop, but with ptp1 its different and that is because of aph working with them, so we should thank the american printinghouse that they got involved. Now we will see more features and we have seen more already than it would've had without there work. I'm not sure about your click question, do you mean when you use the prs software, could you just explain that for me please. Your suggestions are good though. I stil hope the ptn2 get updated and we wait a dam long time for that as wel. They could really hurry up on that one.
On 29/09/2012, william lomas <will.d.lomas@gmail.com> wrote: > hi does anyone know if the PTP is still being worked on? > i hate the thought of buying a product that costs us a fortune and > then > no > updates happen? > how do others find the battery life on this unit? > also for me i have several suggestions which i have made to them. > 1. firstly can we do more editing on the player itself? such as move > headings to lower levels on the device directly should we wish to do > so? > 2. have it possible to name the book by typing as on a mobile phone > so > that > when it is built it can get moved to the daisy part of the player > directly > from recordings > 3. when i use the recording software i hear the "click" as i move > through > sections, this is when i have of course, pressed the go to button > yet > i > don't hear the heading title itself do i have to press spacebar for > this? > 4. finally (and this i have not asked them directly about at > plextalk) > when > i put the SD card in with the supposed US firmware on the root of > the > card, > why is my player, bought from the RNIB not seeing the files to > update > the > voices? > kind regards to all and I look forward to responses > WIll > > > _______________________________________________ > Plextalk mailing list > Plextalk@lists.hodgsonfamily.org > http://lists.hodgsonfamily.org/listinfo/plextalk >
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