Hi Thanks for this, I don't have real problems but I do have a stutter sometimes and I don't always speak clearly so find it a bit tricky. Will suss out the text editing on the pocket in a short while, thanks, just one thing, how do I insert a line break, i.e. a new line? Regards Adrien -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Aidan Maher Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 4:21 PM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] what gadget to use for making notes If you have speech problems, I cannot see why you want to make things difficult for yourself. As you no, the pocket does provide text editing, providing that you run the UK firmware, or perhaps even the australion firmware, but not the US firmware. So if you do have the correct firmware, you will find under the "media management" menu an option "create new text file" once you do that, the device will be in text edit moad. You can then type as you would on a cell phone. The hash or pound key is the space, and zero and one got some cymbles. If you need more cymbles, press the bookmark key til you here "cymble table" and use the four, six, 2 and 8 keys to navigate, and press the pound key on the cymble you want to insert it in the text file. The bookmark key switch between cymbles, numbers and the letters. You can also press the menu key to perform editing tasks, such as delete a line, delete all the text, save the changes and so on. The star key erase the previous typed letter. When pressing star and 7 simoltaniousely it will erase the current karackter. If you press star and four, you can switch between insert and overrite moads. the up and down keys move you by line and you can use the left and rite keys to move by karackter fru the file. You can also use the zero and left and rite keys together to move by workd. So to go left one word, you would press zero plus left arro, to go rite one word, it will be zero plus right arro. Hope this get you going. See the manual for more info or shout for help. On 05/08/2013, Penny Golden <goldpen@frontiernet.net> wrote:
Well, that's a trouble, for sure. I am not a great speaker, but my spoken commentary was
really only for
myself. Best, Pennhy
On 8/5/2013 8:32 AM, Adrien Collins wrote:
Trouble is my speech isn't always very good, I have a stutter at times so it is a bit embarrassing.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [mailto:plextalk-bounces@lists.hodgsonfamily.org] On Behalf Of Penny Golden Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 3:29 PM To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] what gadget to use for making notes
I went to Israel and did all diary as spoken entries. most of it was sounds from other sources. But I started out in the atlanta airport describing the celebrity lounge they had put me in. Why, Jimmy Carter used that lounge! It was a great place to wait for a plane in.
On 8/5/2013 8:17 AM, Adrien Collins wrote:
I am looking for some kind of gadget to make notes. I am going on holiday soon and I wonder what would be the best gadget to use to make or keep notes in the form of a diary. I have an olympus dm5, plextalk pocket and a nokia c5. I have to remember that I am flying so am limited to what I can carry on the plane. would what I already have be sufficient to keep a diary? On my phone I have quick office. I took my netbook last year but couldn't use it in the hotel as the wifi only worked in the hotel bar and the tables were too low for me to work at being in the wheelchair. I know the pocket can do text editing but I don't know much about it. What about my dm5? Any ideas would be welcome.
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