Hi Everyone, I just learned something very interesting about the Plextalk Pocket and the Apple Earpods, which is, the headphones don't work with this particular Daisy player. These are the Earpods that have the built-in microphone for use with a cell phone, which means they have that third Plastic ring around the 3.5mm plug instead of the usual two for a set of stereo headphones. What I find so interesting about this is I've plugged these Earpods into a lot of different devices with no issues whatsoever. So what I'm wondering is what's different about the Plextalk Pocket Versus all these other devices I use? They include my Toshiba Portage laptop, Pioneer Inno XM radio, iPod Classic, iPhone 4S, original Kindle Fire, Kindle DX Graphite, Kindle 3/keyboard, Insignia portable HD radio, so as you can see that's quite a diverse collection of devices and 90% of them don't even have a microphone Input. So as I said before, why do they work and the Plextalk Pocket doesn't? Gene