deleting individual headings

Good afternoon to all you clever folks!! I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings? Regards Andre

Hi Andre, Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next? If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker: 1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel. 2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option. 3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key. This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed. If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following: 1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove. 2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option. 3. Select the Remove Section option. 4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these. 5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio. Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4. Hope this helps. Jamie -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings Good afternoon to all you clever folks!! I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings? Regards Andre _______________________________________________ Plextalk mailing list __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 7371 (20120809) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

Hi Jamie! What she wants to do is to remove the whole heading file as such. and sorry yes this is the pocket. So the second option would then be the best for her to use? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:32 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next?
If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker:
1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key.
This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed.
If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following:
1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Select the Remove Section option.
4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these.
5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio.
Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Good afternoon to all you clever folks!!
I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings?
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Hi Andre, Sorry, but I'm still a wee bit unsure of what you want to achieve. In the PTP1 (and all the Plextalk players), the term "Heading" refers to the marker which starts a section. A "Section" refers to the audio between one heading and the next heading. When you say the "she wants to remove the whole heading file" this is where I become unsure. If you cancel a heading, then the effect, when playing back the recording, is to merge the audio of one section with another. For example, if you have a recording in which there are 5 headings and you cancel Heading 3, the audio from Section 2 and Section 3 will form a new Section 2 with Sections 4 and 5 becoming Sections 3 and 4 respectively. If you choose to remove one or more sections, when you play the DAISY recording back, these sections of audio will not be played. Furthermore, if the sections you remove have their own audio file (MP3 or WAV) associated with them, the audio file will be deleted as well only if all the sections of audio which relate to that section have been removed. If one or more sections of the audio are not removed, the entire audio file which relate to the sections remaining will be retained, even if the playback process doesn't play the whole of the audio file. One thing that people often don't understand is the circumstances which result in the creation of a separate audio file. I'll try to explain..... If you start recording and pause the recording using the Record button, and then re-start recording and repeat this as many times as you like, this will still only result in a single audio file on the SD card. If, however, you start recording and then press the Stop key, a new audio file will be created at this time. If you then restart recording after this, the audio will go into a completely new audio file. You can have as many headings as you like related to a single audio file but new audio files will only be created after the original recording is fully stopped rather than just paused. Hope this helps - it is a bit of a tricky concept to explain by email. It is probably best to create a small test recording and messaround with adding headings and cancelling headings and removing sections to see the effect on the audio files on the SD card. Good luck!! (Smile) Jamie -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 06:53 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings Hi Jamie! What she wants to do is to remove the whole heading file as such. and sorry yes this is the pocket. So the second option would then be the best for her to use? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:32 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next?
If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker:
1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key.
This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed.
If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following:
1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Select the Remove Section option.
4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these.
5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio.
Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Good afternoon to all you clever folks!!
I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is
a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings?
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Well Jamie, I certainly prefer appending similar recording to an exact same file, since I am recording consecutive news events. On the PlexTalk, if there are some seconds of dead-air, I think it creates an extra heading? Now, in another message in this thread some1 says there is a way to edit previously recorded audio. As I understand, once the table-top version of BookPort comes out this fall, we would be able to delete to end or insert a section. It would be extremely helpful if I could remove a block of recording, not just headings. Just as or before I got my Plextalk, I was interacting with Bob Smith-and-at that time he said I could just append. Thanks in advance for any comments-and-clarifications Hart

That is why I also love the ptr2, since it can do it all. I would also love the ability to be able to add to a file and to erase a peace of audio without erasing markers. I use prs software to edit frazes and insert section levels wich I wish pocket could do. On 10/08/2012, Hart Larry <> wrote:
Well Jamie, I certainly prefer appending similar recording to an exact same
file, since I am recording consecutive news events. On the PlexTalk, if there are some seconds of dead-air, I think it creates an extra heading? Now, in another message in this thread some1 says there is a way to edit previously recorded audio. As I understand, once the table-top version of BookPort comes out this fall, we would be able to delete to end or insert a
section. It would be extremely helpful if I could remove a block of recording, not just headings. Just as or before I got my Plextalk, I was interacting with Bob Smith-and-at
that time he said I could just append. Thanks in advance for any comments-and-clarifications Hart
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-- Send from my netbook.

That is why I also love the ptr2, since it can do it all. I would also love the ability to be able to add to a file and to erase a peace of audio without erasing markers. I use prs software to edit frazes and insert section levels wich I wish pocket could do. On 10/08/2012, Hart Larry <> wrote:
Well Jamie, I certainly prefer appending similar recording to an exact same
file, since I am recording consecutive news events. On the PlexTalk, if there are some seconds of dead-air, I think it creates an extra heading? Now, in another message in this thread some1 says there is a way to edit previously recorded audio. As I understand, once the table-top version of BookPort comes out this fall, we would be able to delete to end or insert a
section. It would be extremely helpful if I could remove a block of recording, not just headings. Just as or before I got my Plextalk, I was interacting with Bob Smith-and-at
that time he said I could just append. Thanks in advance for any comments-and-clarifications Hart
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-- Send from my netbook.

Hi Hart, When you record a completely new piece of audio and have started the recording process from scratch (not just from the recording pause position) the Pocket will generate a new section (including its related heading) and will append this to the end of the existing audio. On the SD card you will also then see a new audio file. At present, you cannot do the same level of editing on the Pocket as you can on the likes of the PTR2. You can, however, still do the likes of adding in headings to create a more navigable structure. You can also delete sections of the recording by using the "Remove section" option. Note what I put in a previous message, about the effect of removing sections and how this relates to the underlying audio files. In my opinion, I think it is far quicker and easier to copy a recording over to the PRS software to do the editing there rather than messing around with a lot of edits on the Pocket or PTR2. Hope this helps, Jamie -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of Hart Larry Sent: 10 August 2012 20:45 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings Well Jamie, I certainly prefer appending similar recording to an exact same file, since I am recording consecutive news events. On the PlexTalk, if there are some seconds of dead-air, I think it creates an extra heading? Now, in another message in this thread some1 says there is a way to edit previously recorded audio. As I understand, once the table-top version of BookPort comes out this fall, we would be able to delete to end or insert a section. It would be extremely helpful if I could remove a block of recording, not just headings. Just as or before I got my Plextalk, I was interacting with Bob Smith-and-at that time he said I could just append. Thanks in advance for any comments-and-clarifications Hart _______________________________________________ Plextalk mailing list __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 7378 (20120812) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

You see what she did was to start a new recording each time under the same title. Of course when she used the delete title command it deleted all the recordings while she simply wanted to delete a certain recording. All the different recorded peaces were stored in the one title. Perhaps I have my terminology wrong here. IOn a computer you could simply delete the separate files. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 9:29 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Sorry, but I'm still a wee bit unsure of what you want to achieve. In the PTP1 (and all the Plextalk players), the term "Heading" refers to the marker which starts a section. A "Section" refers to the audio between one heading and the next heading.
When you say the "she wants to remove the whole heading file" this is where I become unsure. If you cancel a heading, then the effect, when playing back the recording, is to merge the audio of one section with another. For example, if you have a recording in which there are 5 headings and you cancel Heading 3, the audio from Section 2 and Section 3 will form a new Section 2 with Sections 4 and 5 becoming Sections 3 and 4 respectively.
If you choose to remove one or more sections, when you play the DAISY recording back, these sections of audio will not be played. Furthermore, if the sections you remove have their own audio file (MP3 or WAV) associated with them, the audio file will be deleted as well only if all the sections of audio which relate to that section have been removed. If one or more sections of the audio are not removed, the entire audio file which relate to the sections remaining will be retained, even if the playback process doesn't play the whole of the audio file.
One thing that people often don't understand is the circumstances which result in the creation of a separate audio file. I'll try to explain.....
If you start recording and pause the recording using the Record button, and then re-start recording and repeat this as many times as you like, this will still only result in a single audio file on the SD card. If, however, you start recording and then press the Stop key, a new audio file will be created at this time. If you then restart recording after this, the audio will go into a completely new audio file. You can have as many headings as you like related to a single audio file but new audio files will only be created after the original recording is fully stopped rather than just paused.
Hope this helps - it is a bit of a tricky concept to explain by email. It is probably best to create a small test recording and messaround with adding headings and cancelling headings and removing sections to see the effect on the audio files on the SD card.
Good luck!! (Smile)
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 06:53 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Jamie!
What she wants to do is to remove the whole heading file as such. and sorry
yes this is the pocket.
So the second option would then be the best for her to use?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:32 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next?
If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker:
1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key.
This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed.
If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following:
1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Select the Remove Section option.
4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these.
5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio.
Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Good afternoon to all you clever folks!!
I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is
a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings?
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Hi Andre, OK, I think I understand the situation a bit better. If each recording was done separately, even if it is in the same title, there should be a unique audio file for each one. In order to remove a single audio file in this situation, you can use the "Remove section" option in the Edit menu. Removing a section in this scenario will delete the corresponding audio file. If you only want to remove one audio file/section, then just specify the same section as the start and finishing section for the deletion. Jamie -----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 22:37 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings You see what she did was to start a new recording each time under the same title. Of course when she used the delete title command it deleted all the recordings while she simply wanted to delete a certain recording. All the different recorded peaces were stored in the one title. Perhaps I have my terminology wrong here. IOn a computer you could simply delete the separate files. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 9:29 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Sorry, but I'm still a wee bit unsure of what you want to achieve. In the PTP1 (and all the Plextalk players), the term "Heading" refers to the marker which starts a section. A "Section" refers to the audio between one heading and the next heading.
When you say the "she wants to remove the whole heading file" this is where I become unsure. If you cancel a heading, then the effect, when playing back the recording, is to merge the audio of one section with another. For example, if you have a recording in which there are 5 headings and you cancel Heading 3, the audio from Section 2 and Section 3 will form a new Section 2 with Sections 4 and 5 becoming Sections 3 and 4 respectively.
If you choose to remove one or more sections, when you play the DAISY recording back, these sections of audio will not be played. Furthermore, if the sections you remove have their own audio file (MP3 or WAV) associated with them, the audio file will be deleted as well only if all the sections of audio which relate to that section have been removed. If one or more sections of the audio are not removed, the entire audio file which relate to the sections remaining will be retained, even if the playback process doesn't play the whole of the audio file.
One thing that people often don't understand is the circumstances which result in the creation of a separate audio file. I'll try to explain.....
If you start recording and pause the recording using the Record button, and then re-start recording and repeat this as many times as you like, this will still only result in a single audio file on the SD card. If, however, you start recording and then press the Stop key, a new audio file will be created at this time. If you then restart recording after this, the audio will go into a completely new audio file. You can have as many headings as you like related to a single audio file but new audio files will only be created after the original recording is fully stopped rather than just paused.
Hope this helps - it is a bit of a tricky concept to explain by email. It is probably best to create a small test recording and messaround with adding headings and cancelling headings and removing sections to see the effect on the audio files on the SD card.
Good luck!! (Smile)
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 06:53 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Jamie!
What she wants to do is to remove the whole heading file as such. and sorry
yes this is the pocket.
So the second option would then be the best for her to use?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:32 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next?
If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker:
1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key.
This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed.
If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following:
1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Select the Remove Section option.
4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these.
5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio.
Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Good afternoon to all you clever folks!!
I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is
a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings?
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Ah thanx Jamie! That's what I wanted to no thanx!! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 8:27 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
OK, I think I understand the situation a bit better.
If each recording was done separately, even if it is in the same title, there should be a unique audio file for each one. In order to remove a single audio file in this situation, you can use the "Remove section" option in the Edit menu. Removing a section in this scenario will delete the corresponding audio file.
If you only want to remove one audio file/section, then just specify the same section as the start and finishing section for the deletion.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 22:37 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
You see what she did was to start a new recording each time under the same title. Of course when she used the delete title command it deleted all the recordings while she simply wanted to delete a certain recording.
All the different recorded peaces were stored in the one title.
Perhaps I have my terminology wrong here. IOn a computer you could simply delete the separate files.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 9:29 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Sorry, but I'm still a wee bit unsure of what you want to achieve. In the PTP1 (and all the Plextalk players), the term "Heading" refers to the marker which starts a section. A "Section" refers to the audio between one heading and the next heading.
When you say the "she wants to remove the whole heading file" this is where I become unsure. If you cancel a heading, then the effect, when playing back the recording, is to merge the audio of one section with another. For example, if you have a recording in which there are 5 headings and you cancel Heading 3, the audio from Section 2 and Section 3 will form a new Section 2 with Sections 4 and 5 becoming Sections 3 and 4 respectively.
If you choose to remove one or more sections, when you play the DAISY recording back, these sections of audio will not be played. Furthermore, if the sections you remove have their own audio file (MP3 or WAV) associated with them, the audio file will be deleted as well only if all the sections of audio which relate to that section have been removed. If one or more sections of the audio are not removed, the entire audio file which relate to the sections remaining will be retained, even if the playback process doesn't play the whole of the audio file.
One thing that people often don't understand is the circumstances which result in the creation of a separate audio file. I'll try to explain.....
If you start recording and pause the recording using the Record button, and then re-start recording and repeat this as many times as you like, this will still only result in a single audio file on the SD card. If, however, you start recording and then press the Stop key, a new audio file will be created at this time. If you then restart recording after this, the audio will go into a completely new audio file. You can have as many headings as you like related to a single audio file but new audio files will only be created after the original recording is fully stopped rather than just paused.
Hope this helps - it is a bit of a tricky concept to explain by email. It is probably best to create a small test recording and messaround with adding headings and cancelling headings and removing sections to see the effect on the audio files on the SD card.
Good luck!! (Smile)
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 10 August 2012 06:53 To: Plextalk User Discussion List Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Jamie!
What she wants to do is to remove the whole heading file as such. and sorry
yes this is the pocket.
So the second option would then be the best for her to use?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamie Cuthbertson" <> To: "'Plextalk User Discussion List'" <> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:32 PM Subject: Re: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Hi Andre,
Which player are you asking this about? Also do you mean removing the heading or actually removing the section of audio between one heading and the next?
If it is the Plextalk Pocket PTP1, do the following to remove the heading marker:
1. Go to the start of the section who's heading you wish to cancel.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Go to the Cancel heading option and select it with the Enter key. If happy then confirm with the Enter key.
This will leave you with all the audio intact but the heading will have been removed.
If you actually want to remove the whole of the section including the audio, do the following:
1. Go to the section at the start of the block you wish to remove.
2. Go to the main menu and select the Edit option.
3. Select the Remove Section option.
4. When prompted, move to the section you wish to be the starting section to be removed and then move to the end section you wish to be removed, pressing Enter to confirm each of these.
5. Finally, when prompted, press Enter to confirm the removal of the specified sections of audio.
Incidentally, again if it is the Plextalk Pocket you are talking about, the manual covers this stuff in Section 15.3 and 15.4.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Plextalk [] On Behalf Of andre van deventer Sent: 09 August 2012 11:18 To: Subject: [Plextalk] deleting individual headings
Good afternoon to all you clever folks!!
I have been looking through the manual for quite some time now but cannot find any way to delete separate headings in a title. I know that there is
a way to delete a whole title but is there a way to delete whole headings?
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participants (4)
Aidan Maher
andre van deventer
Hart Larry
Jamie Cuthbertson